Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

Damn, OG is dead this morning :joy:


I don’t see anything that has parts like that if I google clone king instructions. I just use a Rubbermaid and an air pump. Nothing fancy. Assemble it and see what happens??


We got it straightened out for her on the good old clone methods thread.

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Yesss! I love that thread! I was just being impatient :joy:

I understand we’ve had lots of blood on our hands. But does that make it OK for Putin to slaughter women and children? Who were the fiercest nations in 1940? Germany and Japan. They both did the dirty to other nations, but today they are among the most peaceful, progressive nations. Lessons learned. Hav e we learned our lesson? Probably not because other than 9/11, which compared to what other nations have and are suffering, was not much of a lesson. But at least we have a President who recognizes Putin for what he is and does what an be done, peacefully, to stop him.

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Has anyone ever ordered from fire tree seed vault? I was going to place my first order w Neptune but they require photo id if using echeck or credit card. Seems unnecessary to me so I’m looking for a different site! I’ve ordered from hembra, nasc, multiverse, Oregon elite, dc seed exchange (I think), and seed supreme. But they don’t have what I’m wanting.

Look all I’m saying is I can hate Putin and nato at the same time.

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You can and you have. I guess I should have said something more like, Love them or loathe them, NATO is all that’s keeping several countries from being swallowed by Putin - so far. Peace.

This explains a lot. When I made some bubble hash I neglected to mark which piles of goop were from which bubble bag. As time passed and the hash dried I forgot which pile was which.

When hash smoking time came I sat down in brief repose and all of a sudden my pipe turned into a tiki torch. Got plenty baked though, was just unexpected.


Yeah I bet your eyebrows were surprised. I would certainly smoke it in hard times but it’s not really what I’m looking.


There’s a bill in the house to legalize private citizens seizing the property of Russian oligarchs. I’m bout ready to drop the garden tools hoist the black flag and terrorize the high seas! I’ve wanted to be a pirate since I was like 5!:pirate_flag::pirate_flag::pirate_flag:


Isn’t that bill is aimed at American oligarchs who are already in a position to seize the property of Russian oligarchs? I’m not sure you’d be eligible, you probably need to be registered and have a license indicating that you’ve paid the proper bribes. Er, campaign contributions.

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Need to read through it better, but it’s mostly aimed at seizing their yachts and private jets.

We should do that here!

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Crazy how fast a year can fly by.


Congrats @Oldtimerunderground


4 years ago today I took this shot. Oh how I wish I was still there…


I got mine the other day and was was surprised it’s only been a year :laughing: I grew more shit this year than I ever have before!


That’s some pretty blue water where was that pic taken?