Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

Year almost freeze cured . Lol

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Is it ok to freeze it as soon as I trim? I tried looking it up but every time I type in “fresh frozen bubble hash” I get info related to rosin :joy:

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You bet and process it frozen right into your bubble bags .

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Awesome! Thank you! I can make bubble hash with it as soon as it’s frozen right? So if I put it in tonight, maybe tomorrow? Or am I wishful thinking? :joy:


For sure, you’ll be good to go


Hell yes! Thanks! I have some that’s already been in the freezer for about a week but I have some fresh I’d like to get out of the way when I use the other. Just making sure I was good to do so! It will be my first try :grimacing: I bought the 5 pack of bubble bag dudes :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Smart, I should take a page out of your book. My freezer is over-run right now. Yea you’ll be fine, have fun!


Are you doing just bubble or dry ice?

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Not sure if you’ve been told but mix your bud and trim in a pail then pour through the bags . Less chance of tearing a bag.


I have some in there from last year too :grimacing:


Yes! It one of my first questions bc while watching a video I was so scared the dude was going to mess up his bags lol

Thank you guys! I appreciate it!

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Sure, can’t think of any reason why not.


Dry ice is so much easier. Just sayin’… I’ve done both.

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We don’t have dry ice round these parts :rofl: stg I have never seen it anywhere! I have to use whatever is at my disposal. But I may try it one day if I come across some!

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Well in that case… get at least 3-4 , 5 gallon buckets ,cut out the bottoms at different levels. It will make it much easier to sift through

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I take that back! I have seen it before! In a chicken factory I worked in… I’m pretty sure that’s what they were using on the chicken. They would shovel it over into huge tubs of chicken. I have no idea where they get it.

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Look up where to get it near you…

I have 2 buckets 🪣 🪣


But one of them does have a hole in it! A little drill and saw action the other morning :ok_hand:

Sorry!! :rofl::rofl:

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Do you have a machine to agitate? Or drill and bucket?


I am a lazy stoner.
