Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

A few years back I took my last trip with my wife. She had a really bad one and I spent all night bringing her in for a landing wondering if I had to drive to the hospital from the woods tripping. Thankfully I got her settled in and sat up the rest of the night watching Meerkatā€™s on tv, lol. Was the last of my liquid acid and I think it got more concentrated while it sat. Have not bothered to buy any since. I personally have never had a bad trip but not worth worrying about my wife. I did have a member here send me some mushrooms so I will likely be playing with those a bit but my wife is allergic to mushrooms so I donā€™t have to worry about her :slight_smile: Canā€™t wait to get out to the woods by the fire.


Yea that concentrated stuff will get ya, we found out when we were camping a while after dropping that it does indeed get more potent when it evaporates. Saw some crazy shit hanging out in a dried up river bed that day!

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In all the years and trips I took, i only had one bad trip. But it was a doozy lol! I canā€™t remember it all but I was sitting on the swing in front of a nice fire, where my wifeā€™s and my elbows and knees touched, ALL of existence started to hinge/fold inward. Nothing but Black void on other side of the ā€˜realā€™ butā€¦it wasnā€™t empty. Something was in that void slavering & waiting! That was around the early 80s before we had kids.

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I havenā€™t tripped in years. I did just start micro dosing with shrooms about a year ago. I have to say that as I get older Iā€™m way more sensitive. Iā€™m aware of .2 grams when I take them.


Iā€™m always scared Iā€™d be that one person they talk about in school ā€œlittle Betty tried shrooms (or insert any hard drug) ONE time and diedā€ or something like that :rofl: I made edibles last year and I donā€™t even make those anymore lmao!!


The wife loves the edibles I make for her, I canā€™t stand em though lol I make em strong and it shows in the effect it has on me!

What was those little toysā€¦ā€˜they weeble and they wobble, but they donā€™t fall downā€™? I feel like that lol


Same w my wife! Thatā€™s why I make her try stuff first :rofl:

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For my wife she was just lost. Kept telling me she couldnā€™t find me when I was standing in front of her staring into her eyes, sent her for quite a loop. Once I got her calmed down and she mellowed all was ok but it felt like an eternity. Shit happens, lol. Nothing to do but move on.


Am I your wife? :joy: if it felt like an eternity to you, imagine how it felt to her! I feel for her, Iā€™m the same way.

LOL, they were from Romper Room.

My bad trip turned everyone into the evil gremlins, I hid in a corner freaking out watching them morph, as it progressed everyone was an evil gremlin staring at me . I went into a room and closed the door, hid beside the window . My best friend came in to calm me down. Put his hand on my shoulder, I looked saw those huge gremlin claws/hands and green slimy skin. I screamed and pushed him through the window backwards from the second floor. Then I really lost it when I took off and tripped around solo. Woke up to find him hospitalized, with hundreds of stitches and a screwed up shoulder, was told he was lucky to be alive. Scary crap


Oof, that sounds like a horrible time, I can see how it would turn you off tripping


I gotta agree. Never had a bad trip on 'cid or shrooms back in the day really, worst one I lost the ability to speak and could only mumble incoherently, but still had a great time the rest of the evening.

Then mid 2000ā€™s I saw Widespread Panic at Radio City, managed to get hold of some shrooms and hated it. I felt like everybody around me was stupid, and didnt want to be around anybody, couldnā€™t wait for the show to end and go home (NYE show if I remember correctly). Still had to take the train across the Hudson, and my ex wife to drive the hour back home (she wasnā€™t tripping, in fact she didnt smoke either). I decided at that point that my tripping days were over. It just wasnā€™t fun, perhaps it was the scene (but doubtful) but I havenā€™t touched shrooms since then. Found some a few years ago in the back of a drawer and actually tossed em out LOLā€¦ Shocked I did that, but old memories die hard.


Actually just gave me serious anxiety talking about it. Smoking a fatty to ease that as we speak. Still a sore spot as heā€™s not doing well atm and I always feel like his MS was linked to that one evening, breaks my heart tbh


Definitely! Sorry that happened to ya bud! I know some people that can take anything they want and you can barely tell theyā€™ve done anything. Meanwhile I can eat an edible and Iā€™m holding onto chairs and walls to navigate my house.


I stay away from edibles as well. They can really do a number on me too, or not work at all itā€™s weird. I have a HUGE stockpile Iā€™m constantly giving away in fact


I see you have the ā€œI have too much weedā€ problem as well, huh?


I find edibles just make me really sleepy


I did , until about 4 months ago, cleaned house. Got rid of everything except a select few jars. Made a ton of RSO and gave my patients a huge stockpile!and I screwed myself. Now lately Iā€™ve been calling in favours, bartering or buying trees! For the first time in a long while. And since I just moved I had a 2 month holdover as well, so Iā€™m at least 70-80 days from restock :grimacing:

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I do chuckle. My grows 10yrs ago were NOWHERE near this kind of productive. Granted it was all bag seed then, but it did the trick. Still, yields have gone way way up, whether its genetics, technology, knowledge or a combo. Iā€™m actually considering flowering most of what I have / finishing up autos that are running, and then selectively doing a seed run just to have plants, because I legit have more than I am consuming. Quality perhaps helps as well, I can consume less :smiley: All I know is I grew a similar quantity of plants and yielded way more than expectedā€¦ I guess its a good problem to have compared to paying $100 / qtr / week which I did for FAR too longā€¦ And now I actually HAVE variety :smiley: lol

Now Iā€™m calculating the maths to figure out how long this could last, and when I would need to grow for flower again. Still plan on some outdoor ladiesā€¦ Thats just part and parcelā€¦ But I dont need to LOL