Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

That’s why I’m doing a huge hunt/run atm with 5 varieties and another two right behind because I’m going to do a pres run or two right after so I’m ensuring this does not happen, plus I have 7-8 people who count on me and have for many many years and tbh I would put them before myself as my issues seem to very minor compared to theirs. Plus my stable has shrunk considerably in the last 2-3 years so it’s time to find a bunch more epic keepers . Plus at all costs I need to replace my lost pre-98 mommy who provided relief to so many for 10+ years. I must MUST replace her as she is an absolute staple for me and 3 others


I share with a couple close friends, I can’t smoke all I grow. I love to grow this shite. I have leftovers from 2019 im still smoking. I have about 30 started for this season, and not done starting stuff yet. WTF is wrong with me.:laughing: I swear its an addiction.


It definitely is :joy::joy:

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I’m assuming that you mean the pre 98 bubba

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Join the club!
Isn’t that why we are all here? Love of the herb!!:v::green_heart::grin:


Yep it sure is love of the herb!

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Now I wanna know who’s got the shrooms! :laughing:

I don’t know if I’d even enjoy it these days but I go back and forth on wanting to trip again. Strangely my state decriminalized them as well so I kind of take that as a sign.

Micro dosing is what I’m interested in. I don’t need to blast off into the ether like back in the day. I don’t want to go over the edge, I just want to peek over it a little.


Ya you don’t want to be known for being the guy at 7/11 that stood watching the hotdogs cook as they roll around and around or hanging out at the slurpy machines laughing every time someone fills a cup.


Dude… Stop ruining @slick1’s aspirations! I overheard him saying thats EXACTLY what he wants to do. Giggling away like Beavis & Butthead…


I guess it’s better than staring at the ceiling watching the giant spider crawl across room .


Think he’s already began to follow through on his aspirations. I knew I recognized that guy in the 17 coats, 5 toques and god knows how many scarves in the corner by the slurpee machine that has conversations with the cheetos . Damn @Slick1 gets around huh


Multiple sclerosis is caused by exposure to epstien-barr which is some kind of wack herpes virus.


and thus, a new religion was formed. All hail Chester Cheeto. The cheddar dust must flow.

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Lmmfao. The guys a 7-11 staple in Niagara Falls. I’ll get some pics next time I head to UPS as it’s next door.


The idea of being Chester Cheeto is so unappealing lol. A small little nibble that helps depression is appealing

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@Mithridate what are you doing here for shipping? Ideal for large amounts? Good success rates?


I was thinking of asking the same thing what ever those strips are they seemed to withstand the killer rollers!


:thinking: I was thinking of doing something like that with chopsticks or small pieces of wood, after the price doubled for the hose washers I normally use from home hardware.

Maybe he was eating some Chinese food late night, high af, when he came up with the idea :joy:


It really seems the worst of it happens in the US.

I like the idea of using what we have and less plastic is always good.


Definitely. I could use some spare green rubber plant training wire like this

Or even make some ghetto hose washers out of it :joy:

But I like the idea of using less plastic, and that’s what I would prefer. I think I mentioned it before on a different thread, but if I had a bandsaw, I would just rig up a jig and slice up a few 6 foot pieces of bamboo for a huge supply of washers.