Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

Wednesdays now referred to as “Happy Foreigner Day”


It’s a Federal holiday! Everybody gets the day off!

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Mini Rant:

Go outside to mow the lawn and blue smoke bellows out of the exhaust and I deep sigh with a “what now”. This is a new-to-me lawnmower which was my Father’s until earlier this year when he at 80 years old decided instead of pushing around a 175cc gas mower on his postage stamp of a lawn that he bought himself a 20volt electric mower that’s 1/3 the weight instead.

So I get the hand-me-down and was very grateful for it and have had no problems until today…

Not being daft, blue smoke = burning oil so I started doing an overview of the engine and immediately made note of the BLACK OIL LEAKING FROM THE EXHAUST. I check the oil meter and it’s through the roof with me being all: :exploding_head:

I then lift the mower on blocks and frustratingly discover the oil drain screw is NOT under the blade’s houseing but “convieneintly” on the side above the blade shield. Things got messy but I never expected to find 1L of sheer black and very thick oil to pour out of this nightmare; but that’s exactly what happened.

A lot of rags later and thankful sacrificial cardboard soaking up what splashed, I then added a few OZ of fresh oil and then held my breath mowing the front yard burning off the oil remaining in the exhaust.

Turns out when my Dad told me “I added fresh oil for you.” what he actually has been doing is topping off this oil tank for years without draining it since he purchased it. :rofl: :man_facepalming:

A lot of what I know is from learning through the mistakes of others, and both my parents are more academic than practical so I gotta keep reminding myself that “what your parents taught you CAN be incorrect assumptions.”


The motor sounds so much better and once the backyard dries out from the overnight dew I can give it more of a workout with real oil and not black sludge.


(EDIT: forgot to mention some neighbours were walking by and giving me the stink eye for the smoke regardless of the clear engine maintainence supplies out in the open on my driveway. When I caught them glaring I stopped and waved yelling “Shitter’s Full!”. Then turned and walked away fast looking mortified. They clearly don’t know a good reference even if it was yelled at them.)




I hope you were cutting the lawn in your housecoat when they walked by… :laughing:


I both love and hate when this happens. Like, if they don’t get the joke then they absolutely think you’re loony, and if they did then it’s like Why didn’t you think that was funny?!

I take bagged leaves from our neighborhood curbs, so I can add them to the compost. One evening at dusk I encountered 2 young parents pushing their baby in a stroller. They said, jokingly “Oh, just carrying some trash around this evening?” (I had a bag of leaves in each hand, and was walking back home) “Uhhh…yep”, I said, “Trash! Definitely not body parts!”
No laugh, no more eye contact, no witty banter; they just faced forward, and made those stroller wheels turn a little faster.

Congratulations on your lawnmower handyman badge, brother.


Bob Barker died. He was a cool sob.

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This is hilarious. That’s the kinda shit I would do.
Fricken squares!

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Serong! And TOPLESS!

Thanks! I left the mower in the back yard when a friend popped by to pick me up with his truck to get a hollowed out 8ft apple tree trunk from my folks place about 30min away. Of course we get distracted in their backyard and chill for a bit on the patio so when we get back to my place it’s POURING RAIN but it atleast slowed down for when we needed to move the massive log.

And by forgetting that I left the mower out it got a power washing for free! :rofl:

R.I.P. Bob, The Gods asked him to come on down so he did. :cry:




Ole Bob got more pussy than Wilt Chamberlain


I fixed two pairs of pants today, with a hammer.

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The price is right, bitch!.


Just had to drain some oil from a friend’s lawn mower, did it a faster and easier way thou. Left the oil fill cap off and got the pan for draining oil for the car, and situated the mower so the oil would drain into it as a tipped on its side, gott a little on the deck but not too bad 1 rag and it was clean. Took about 3 minutes to get it done…:grinning::grinning::grinning:


I tried this, but the design of my mower prevents this from NOT getting messy.

Of course in the dollarstore today I found the perfect sized dust-pan that will jam into the tight space and act as a wide and flat funnel for the oil. So I bought it and shoved it in my oils area with sharpied on it: “LAWNMOWER OIL FUNNEL”.

Sure I may get confused at first next year… but then i’ll have my “aha!” moment and get to work.

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…you need to have a shower after working in a tent upstairs just to go back downstairs and not accidentally pollinate anything.



I have this half a plan to run different plants for flower and seed in the same room in two different cabs. If they all end up seeded then so be it, but we will see. Whether or not this happens we will see but it’s up there in the thought cooker.

No Limit… Sale ends at 6PM Monday, Sept 4th… .47 strains to choose from!
We owe the IRS, lol so please help yourself, while helping us!


If I had the cash I’d be all over those 4 new releases .

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