Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

Well I got wrecked more at the imaging place yesterday. Never had an MRI hurt before…
And, I don’t got any flatland around me, except maybe my driveway. Which is currently a snow packed sheet of ice.

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Could it be said that the beans has sprouted? :rofl:

Hope all went well.

And please, leave some time to the parents alone with the children.
It is really stressing when adapting to have a newborn and people are visiting at every hour to see the baby. (I don’t know if there is that habit, but where I live… It is… )

Happy growings and bornings!

Awesome news @Floyd congrats

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Congratulations @Floyd your a grandpa wooohooo​:heart::heart::heart:

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Congrats Grandpa @Floyd !!! 9.4lbs!!? That’s a healthy baby boy!



How about 1981?


And '83…


OH yes. I remember those. lol
Not for kids. :slight_smile:

how did i not know of this! ha intergalactic coke snorting space aliens. definitely the 80’s! i thought i knew of all these epic early cartoons! down the rabbit hole i go!


What was the name of that cartoon, I gotta find & watch all of it!

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oooooh that was a scene from Heavy Metal. i must have watched that 25 times in my younger days how did i not recall this scene! smh


Better yet, “The baby has left mom’s building!” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :flushed:

Is it!?
@Floyd Anyhoooowwww, congrats grandpa!!
Long journey ahead of you!! :sweat_smile:


@TopShelfTrees1 and @Gonzo
You guys are in for a treat. lol
Heavy Metal is a classic! Please let me know what you think after watching it. lol

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Im gonna have to check this out too, I’ve never heard of these. I was too busy snorting coke instead of watching cartoon characters do it. Ohhh the 80s in my 20s. Up all night.


The link has a very short narrative, nothing in depth, so don’t be looking for a deep dive. :slight_smile:

The one thing I found particularly interesting is that while this fungus grows primarily in parts of central and northern Texas, there have been reports of sightings in Japan around Kyushu.

Neither poisonous nor psychedelic, it only hisses, which is pretty fucking weird, to have a mushroom hissing at you.


Well, that’s some weird mushroom. I was hoping for a video or sound recording.
“While not poisonous, it is inedible, officials said.”
How do they know? Who took a bite of this thing? Was it whistling when they ate it? Lol. To many more questions…

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Apparently the detectorist (I love that word!) thought he’d found a soda can. He was mistaken.


No kidding, a very weird mushroom.

I agree, it would have been good to have a recording, but I suspect that getting video or audio of this mushroom in action is much like comedy - it’s all in the timing, and there’s a bunch of shitty fucking comedians out there! :rofl:

“Who took a bite of this thing?” - Joe rofl

“Was it whistling when they ate it?” - Once again, timing is everything in comedy and video of hissing mushrooms. ROFLMAO

“Too many more questions…” - I know, there are always more questions! icon_e_confused|nullxnull

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Or any of the plants on earth, like peyote, poppy, coca plants, cannabis and others.

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