Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

big_hbd @PioneerValleyOG!

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Happy Birthday my friend ! @PioneerValleyOG


That woman looks a lot like Nikki Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina. Didn’t know she was into black metal. :crazy_face: :rofl:

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A peregrine falcon hitching a ride on a goose!


@mota outta likes: :heart:


That’s so excellent! smile1 Brought a big laugh from me and Mrs. mota! Nice to wake up to a morning chuckle.

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@mota Awesome images! Is it taking a ride on the goose’s air “vacuum”? As F1 racers do!? Amazing image! Initially thought it was going to attack the goose!
:v: :flushed: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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So did I! A peregrin falcon is a pretty serious predator, but as the author points out, geese are large birds that know how to take care of themselves.

Here’s the article the pictures are from.


Also came to my mind! Damn! How could a falcon take down a goose!? Understandably wrong! I was! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :sunglasses:


Anyone know what happened to the guy making awesome logos /labels etc. in exchange for beans?

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I was walking my dog a couple years ago, when splat a pigeon comes flying out of the air and sort of landed sideways and bounced a bit! I was startled and looking around frantically like wtf just happened? A couple seconds later a falcon lands a short distance away and a few moments after that a small shower of feathers floated down. He knocked that thing out of the sky so hard it was just laying there stunned. And he guarded it until I walked far enough away with Charlii . Then picked it up and dragged it into a neighbors back yard. Pretty cool sight to see, I also saw a bald eagle take out a mallard duck once in an explosion of feathers and it happened almost at the brink of the falls , he sat there and devoured it to the dismay of hundreds of onlookers. I was blown away by his sheer size! Just a huge bird :eagle:


Do you mean the wood burning/Lazer guy🤔

If it is I think he got what he wanted and left.

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Couple weeks back I watched a raven come up behind a pigeon grabbed it by its neck and killed it.


No , I do remember that guy though @Shadey the guy I’m referring to had a Dawg or dog in his name and made logos, labels, avatars. He was quite popular but since my hiatus I can’t remember his name or find him on here for the life of me.

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That’s crazy too, ravens/crows are no joke either, so damn smart and they get HUGE too. Poor pigeons get picked on by everyone haha


It’s an expression in Eternity…right? @SilverSurfer




Anyone have any plants, or combination of plants that smell extremely strongly of an IPA? Not weed and IPA but FULL ON mega hoppy IPA??

I was rearranging some plants a couple days ago and the whole grown started smelling like an IPA, I too smelt like it…very strong odor for at least half hour.

The thing is none of the plants smell like an IPA or anything close…maybe some citrus…it must have been the combination of them when I was knocking them into each other…very strong remarkable smell…:thinking:


Now something completely different…anyone remember the matrix…how neo wasn’t the first? Interesting literary ideas being brought up… The Matrix version 2…:joy::joy:



You talking about @MikeyDread ? He hasn’t been around in a hot minute

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I’ve had late veg or older plant smell citrus hopey to me before. Though, I did do a bit of beer brewing in the past. So it could be my nose. But after all, cannabis is loosely related to hops.

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