Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

If that is a little sucker plant growing from the root system, that would be wild. Though highly unlikely, I am curious!
My bet is on a rogue seed. But with some extremely coincidental timing.


Hey Doug, is that Canada only? I’ve got big dreams with my new light…

There is a technique called “Layering”
I’ll try to find it in the book I have here.
BUT if you bury any parts of the stem in soil, it will root and eventually grow out a new shoot.
Thats called “Serpentine Layering”

There is also “Air Layering” which is basically keeping a part of the stem wrapped and wet till it starts to root. I think it’s basically cloning while still on the plant. Sort of.

EDIT: I found the page.
Robert Clarkes Book, Marijuana Botany. Page 36


I know for a fact that this works with tomato plants! I read about it once and had to try it. :wink:


I really hope that seedling makes it. There’s only one way to find out what it really is :grin:

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I just did this with a pile of rasps today! It was “the big cleanup” and when I find rasps in places I don’t want them they end up pulled and left in a bucket of water for a week before replanting.

A 5 ft section of Tayberry got buried last year in the fall and it had 3 spots rooting when I pulled it. So I went along with what it was doing just in a different spot :rofl: :+1:

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Just got this in the mail today, my 5 gallon donation pin. Mostly whole blood, but the past two years I have been doing power reds which is a pint of only red blood cells. Anyone else donating on a regular basis?


Very nice milestone, thank you! So looking at my list of what to plant now I discovered a bag of a bunch of strains missing, the Veterans gift. After two weeks of searching, cleaning and organizing, I opened a wooden cigar box right in front of me the whole time an there it was…Da da da !! So purple Kush Feminized is in the incubator

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I used to…then COVID came along and i slipped.

I was always upfront about my copious cannabis usage too.

When asked what blood type i was, my standard answer was “festive!”


Much respect @Tejas very good thing you are doing I don’t do it often enough but I do from time to time.

Good on you @Tejas reminds me I need to find out why we haven’t had a blood drive at work since C19.

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Additionally i’m also just wondering… when you see a 5 gallon bucket now do you think: “I filled that.”?



I wasn’t paying attention it’s 5 GALLONS! WOW I was thinking pints until @Pigeonman just posted
That is really committed to giving and quite the accomplishment too

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I used to donate regularly because they’d be bothering me all the time (I’m O+ and they’re always in need) and have donated a couple of gallons, but it’s been a long while. I did the double red one time and it was pretty interesting to get the plasma pumped back in.

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Not until you mentioned it :grin::rofl:. I have always looked at given blood as getting the oil changed in your car. I generally feel better physically a few days after, plus it is doing someone good who really needs it.


That’s awsome bud. But eww! 5 gallons? Needles? I’d likely hyperventilate(it’s happened before, lol). More power to ya bro! But me, I got a serious case of typanophobia. And the white-coat doesn’t help either. :grimacing:



This could be good, this also can be horrible! :rofl:

Cast looks amazing though!


Oh what !? I was literally just thinking of the original!
I was actually thinking to use the shrunken head dude as an avatar after I saw a picture of a big body cartoon character with a tiny head.
When I saw it I immediately thought of that guy from the original.
Then, literally 15 seconds later, I got the notification for your post…

Oh man I really hope they don’t screw this up. With all the advanced tech we have now this movie has the potential to be epic !
I just hope they don’t try to make it PG for the newer generations…

And they kept Michael Keaton & Winona ?! Already off to a good start.


biggest sell for me: Catherine O’Hara!


The Crowening III