Check out my perpetual grow!

So it seems the world has answered my question today. I was freaking out a bit in the morning after realizing I had only 1 meloxicam left from my mom years ago (arthritis meds she gave me to help my pain) and it’s my go to emergency care for my tendinitis when I’m really in pain so I consulted @leetdood who told me to reach out to csi humboldt who I thought was humboldts who ive recently bought seeds from the big seed company and he’s like no lol well I asked csi then and had a good laugh at myself. I also messaged rasta Jeff at irie genetics and asked if he had any specific strains for tendinitis pain relief. Well listening to the DGC show on YouTube at or around the 59 minute mark I believe it was Michigan Matt who brought up terpenes are responsible for the pain relieving and medical benefits we see from cannabis so it’s very important to get that cure right. He goes into detail about this terp called farnesene and that is the specific terp responsible for pain relief and anti inflammatory and I just thought it was really cool the world was like hey I got you! @HappyTrees23s @TopShelfTrees1 @Emeraldgreen @MoBilly check out these links. 1st link is the YouTube video I found the info on and the the other 2 are just links explaining the terp and why it’s helpful


Terpenes can definitely contribute to the entourage effect


Alright so we had 1 more face off pop up while I was gone today and she was a helmet head so I performed surgery and it was without a doubt the best it’s ever gone very clean. Then humboldts the big seed co has got back with me and told me to try golden sands, garlic budder, or notorious THC. I don’t think I want anything to do with garlic terps lol not my cup of tea but the other 2 sound great


A little check in this morning and it seems that 1 of the 2 face off that hadn’t popped yet had a taproot showing awesome so far it’s a 90% success rate now let’s get that other one to show me some roots! Out of 9 there are 7 above the ground so far so good!


Thank you for bringing farnesene To my attention…
I suffer from osteoarthritis myself brought on by advanced degenerative disease.
Both articles mentioned white rhino strain. I know @JohnnyPotseed has/had cuts of white rhino up for offer. I’ve been on the fence about asking for a cut White rhino from him, but this may have just pushed me over the edge.


Once the weather gets too hot to ship cuttings, I’m closing that part of my sales down. Won’t be long, just saying…


I already have a few white rhino seeds here I believe I received from @CaptainNemo or maybe @Rhino_buddy. At the moment I can’t take in anymore cuts but the farnesene is supposed to be like a granny smith (green) apple terps


The WR I’ve been growing as a clone-only since 1998 was the best pheno-typical expression out of 20 beans i bought in '98.
As with ALL seeds, you’re gonna be in for a pheno hunt. The genetics in seeds will be all over the map, lol any strain seeds. Getting cutting of an older long ran plant, eliminates the ‘hunt’…
it’s into around the 6-7th gen now. I keep the mothers for 4-6 yrs before retiring them into flower for one last gift, lol buddage to smoke!
80% indica-dominant variety combining Afghani, Brazilian, and South Indian genetics White Widow and a North American Indica, high THC.


is it me or two of them look kinda brown?

It’s true what Johnny says


Also @HighTilliDie


Thanks @Hotrods_and_hounds I appreciate it!

Im not sure what your referring to?

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For anyone interested in what jinxproof reccommended I took screenshots


As if you check out his ig he still might have the sale going it was like 3 packs for the price of one.


9lb hammer does have medicinal use

Not sure if it’s specifically helpful for tendinitis but I know people say it takes out their chronic pain

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Yeah his sale ends today, so yeah three packs for the price of one! Killer deal! @HighTilliDie

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@Hotrods_and_hounds I added 2 of his accounts but the dank bank one which I assume has his sales won’t get me view the page


Huh? Not on Insta. But his website go direct through google.

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I’m gonna hold off for now because my fiance said no smh lol. Shouldn’t of asked for permission


Lol tell her it’s saving money not spending when it’s buy one get 2 free lol!!