Chem Sis Cut - Is it still around?

I mentioned that to phil on discord @hoss8455


@jamescoldflame there are multiple Chem D cuts that go around. The Bundy Chem Sis S1 was called Chem D for awhile too.

Chem cuts and TK cuts have lots of misnames/relabels/fakes/whatever you wanna call it.


Lol. Yeah what cannavore said☝🏾. Long time no hear

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Chem Sis day 40.

super slow grower “i’ll grow when i fill like it” plant. so far really a pleasure to grow how ever she will NOT finish in 70 days no way in hell.

here she is in a hybrid as the mother side.


took this at day 69, she was not done at this point. was thinking the name was pushing her longer in flower and that may be so but this girl on her own will not finish in 70 days. its good that i have plenty of time to mature her out in this round, i just need to a just things for a longer flower and then keep her healthy until chop.

we shall see …


Chem Sis cut, day 57.

chem sis bc1 seeds being made here, the outcross on this one will be the purple nam.

running her i think im going to go for 80days just to be sure she’s fully mature and ready to showcase herself.

she’s not dead ppl …


@JAWS - thank you for posting!!! She doesn’t even look like she’ll be done at 80 days lol :rofl:. I’m so interested to see what she looks like then…Please keep us updated!

And has anyone picked her up from the recent discord listings? i don’t see it listed anymore. would love to get my hands the real deal. she looks awesome! i can see similarity on the Chem 91 skunk va cut for sure. I could see how they could be mixed up.


if sis was really a dud, would that add to or subtract from the chem tree?

I mean that in the way that it’s a peice of the puzzle, desirable or not…another clue as to parentage?

I think I was only lucky enough to know the 91, hearing that “sister wasn’t good enough” made a bubble rise in the oatmeal in my brain

It looks fantastic @JAWS I bet it it’s electric


Cryptic had chem sis x ubc chemo.
Might have come with their chem d x ubc chemo? Not sure if it was a freebie or if I bought it too. Either way, I got both.

Looks like the chem sis version is no longer available.


Sha Bud has a Chem Sis cross available, I got a pack and might grab another one or two, I think I want to double up on both Kush Cleaner selections I got:

There’s two packs left at SeedsForMe, haven’t found any others:

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ya im going to just keep running her and will drop in some more pics as i move forward with her.

here is a cut from that cut above.

this one is much much bigger.

peace …


Looks pretty gnarly!

Hell ya ive been wanting chem sis beans to be able to hunt so that Bx is music to my ears…

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