Chem Sis Cut - Is it still around?

For such a famous strain, I don’t ever see it around…Do any nursery or breeders sell it?

Really want to explore the sativa chem line. Just sounds intriguing and I’m always looking for an adventure. I guess an S1 seed pack would work as well. Seems hard to find.

Has anyone ever ran it? Thoughts/Experiences?


Not many seed options out there that I’ve seen, and I’m not aware of S1s but someone has probably done it. These are the good looking ChemSis work I’ve seen in seed available:

Edit: JJ has the S1


The cut…. Good luck she pretty much disappeared. I’m running Soylent Green from @JAWS right now. Chem Sis x Starfighter popped her for the Chem Sis and the starfighter is just a bonus! I have a few things I’ve acquired with Chem-Sis . I am still looking for the original though and if located I’ll gladly let you know, possibly share if pheasible as well. I’m trying to obtain all the Chem cuts tbh as it’s one of my obsessions


That cannarado one sounds unreal @Dirt_Wizard ooooh ! :man_facepalming:t2: another added to the list


I know someone with the Chem Sis cut (the clone only)


It’s gonna ruff some folks…but alot of these so called chem “D” cuts are indeed the sis. Or s1 of the sis…

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Not sure mate. I know a s1 is floating around as the sis


Really surprised more breeding isn’t done with the Sis, especially with reversing it. Wouldn’t have the GG4 without it.


interesting…what makes you say that? so many different stories with the Chem line. Someone really needs to make an official documentary.

Skunkva might have it


Yea I posted a Lucky Dog pack, Twin Peaks. Man has everything!


Man I wanted that one. I have dozens of Starfighter crosses and Starfighter F2s already or I would have grabbed those. I discovered them a little late. I bet it’s an amazing cross.

is he on here?

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No but he is on discord and I tagged you on there if you want to message me about it.

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I always heard the sis was the worst one and got tossed, that’s why you don’t see it. All that is left are S1’s and crosses from her.

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There’s Twin Peaks by Lucky Dog, probably your best shot

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To my knowledge it’s picky and low-yielding but very dank and sativa uplifting, with a more delicate flavor profile than the other Chems, I’ve only had it once or twice but I think Rasputin nails it when he talks about it on ICMag, this Scrappy thread with him and DankFrank and others is part of what got me onto Tony’s Gorilla Bubble and RIL, what he says about the flavor of good GG4 suddenly clicked and I was like, oh it’s Sis that’s why I like good Glue!


Well this has gotta be some Mandella Effect or something :thinking:

This is the first i’ve read anything good about it in… ~20years and all the posts saying she sucked and got tossed no longer say that. Like I had one bookmarked from JJ himself and now it doesn’t say that :man_shrugging: Oh well. Appreciate all the info DW! I’m all for a more functional chem!


Shit, I’ll give any chem a chance. The Chemdog (which was called just that) I got 10+ years ago was very sativa, which makes me wonder if it was actually the sis. Now after reading what Dirt_Wizard posted, I’m going try to find the clone. Got a few good leads from the good peeps on this site. Seriously love this place.


Stidacks has her