Cherry Gorilla (In-House Genetics) & "Midnight Moon" *Self made genetics

What’s up OverGrow Community,

I do apologize for being late on the grow to start a diary. I am in flowering stage. Almost about to finish out. This is an introduction to me and my grow style.

Where to find content?

My somewhat complete diary is posted up on Grasscity Forums. I have a YouTube channel. Instagram/Facebook accounts. As well as a Mass Roots.

My style of growing?
I grow in soil. I have tried hydroponics via top feed, DWC, Flood and Drain, and Coco coir mixed with peat.

I try to not “top” my plants. I aim to cut as minimal as possible. I have “lollipop” my plants. I have LST’d. I have SCROG. What I will say is, nature finds a way… I like to veg more then 4weeks.

What I’ve stuck to… Soil.

What am I using this grow?

This grow I am using Fox Farm Nutrients. General Hydroponics Cal/Mag. B’cuzz Products Blossom Builder. Alpha Nutrient FulBase (sample given by local hydro shop.)

I don’t pH my water. I just test the run-off and soil.

My water stays at room temperature to 75°F.,i am not using RO water. Just tap water left over night, covered by coffee filters to prevent contamination.

What I normally like to use?
CANNA Terra Vega, Ryhzotonic, and Advanced Nutrients Bud Ignitor.

Why I don’t use RO?
I am waiting to move to invest. This is just a temporary means for now.

What do you have to know?

Alot. Veg cycle was critical. I cover alot of information, if you haven’t noticed. It’s all posted on my other sites. I am feeling very tired and in alot of pain. So, excuse my laziness.

I am trying to finish uploading a video to YouTube, while updating various sites. Multi-tasking.

Check out my other sites. Simply search the name.

I also must add… I recently became an affiliate with Crop King Seeds and

I don’t know the rules about self promoting here. So I’ll just say, look me up or shoot me a message for more info.

I feel you should research more if interested or just ask. I am an open book and pretty friendly. Just show some respect and if will go a long way. I will do the same. So without further more to bore… Here are some lovely pics.



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Would have liked them all if it let me. Some greasy buds you got there, glad to see you on OG

@GumbyBuds: Thanks for the welcome and compliment. I have more content. I just felt like I posted a book. Lol got tired of typing… Then realized… I can only post 1 pics at a time. Lol But it’s all good.

excellent looking plants and thanks for the insight to your growing style. is your youtube channel under the same name? i will search for it and subscribe although i’ve been falling behind on watching all my content lately. my problem with RO is the amount of waste water it creates… although i think i read somewhere about a zero waste system?? will have to check in to that

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