2017 F1 revisit

First a bit about myself. I started growing back in 2007 outdoors in the summer, 2010 I began an indoor winter run. On 2011 I began sourcing and breeding different regular genetics right up to summer 2017. I had just taken cuts off several plants, flipped and had them seeded as F1 testers to figure out what I was going to stick with as parents. I got in a bad car accident and ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks. During which my house got raided, my 54 mother plants, 47 mom’s, 7 dad’s, and 10s of thousands of seeds. The only thing that was saved was the new F1 my ex had already moved of the flowering clones. That winter I didn’t grow, and began again the following winter with local clones. I continued 3-5 grows a year until this winter I did 2 and decided to get back into the game and break out my only thing I have left and try to work them. My first choice was my Zombie Kush F3 X worrior cookies F8. I started 5, have been doing every kind of stress test you can imagine. 1 survived all with flying colors while the other 4 struggled. 1 started flowering as a male and then stopped again, that was a day after it got 14 hours of darkness, do to serious heat troubles. It has been set back on a good 18/6 scedual, didn’t change for a week And now has stretched a bit each night f 2 nights. I’m at 5.5 weeks since germination, but I will be moving for the first of August so I couldn’t transplant up.
So I just wanted to get this started so it forces me to keep up on it more.


Sorry to here about the accident then 2 top it off with a raid and loosing all those plants and seeds n such. I’m wishing you all the best in your continuing project. I will definitely b following along. When you have a story like that behind a plant it makes her that much more special…


Thank-you sir. You can tell I have a savere iron deficancy brought on by a series of unfortunate events, in combination with the fact it was stressed into showing male


Glad you are back to growing. Happy to see you are getting some OG love and good genetics from the good folks here,

:green_heart: :seedling:

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That’s a pretty stout looking plant for a solo cup :ok_hand:


hehheh love those avocado trees too. I could never get them to bloom!

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I would love to follow if you don’t mind
I am here learning all I can


That’s as far as I got them yet, also got 2 different little mango tress


The one that did the best in all stress tests is a male also. That’s 3 out of 5 male.


Have any females made it thru your test? I read it that two are still in the running? I am rooting for you and this grow.
:green_heart: :seedling:

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There was one that did significantly better then the other 3, and that’s the last one I got high hopes for a female, if not I’m Gona pick 2 males to clone off and start another batch of five, maybe even just the one nice male


Sounds like a good idea!
:green_heart: :seedling:


This is the first to show male and also did the worst in the stress testing. But allowed to me to get text book example photos of an iron deficancy at various stages


That it awesome. I would really enjoy live examples of toxic and deficiencies.
:green_heart: :seedling:

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This would be the one I have for a savere iron deficancy before any damage occured.


Great stuff here @Xianpreservation83 watching you on The Rock all the way from over here in B.C. :smiley::+1:


Thank-you sir! It’s not easy to do what I do here, Im in a pretty isolated spot. The ground is white sand and waterproof clay, we get very few good days of sun. And I’m living in an apartment on top of it all for the next 3 years


Doubly impressive given your challenges and limitations, inspires me to do more and document more!


I document everything daily, maybe not written in a journal but not many days goes by I don’t get several pictures. My last grow consisted of 2 tents. I had over 1500 pictures by the time both were said and done. And we all know what stoner minds are like and what better way then to go back and see daily changes. And I forgot to say thank-you again. I may face many challenges, but I find the oddest ways to overcome them. I grew up in a family with nothing, so if I wanted it, I had to make it, or make it work with what I had. That’s why I see so many strange things happen because of my situations and having a much more care free experimental attitude about things. I have learned a lot trying things that just make most people shake their heads


The latest pic of my winner male.

Female Zombie #1. This one out of the 2 has much closer morphology to the male.

And this would be the mango strawberry punch male
So right now I got 3 male, and 2 female zombie, 1 male mango, and still 2 mango, 2 strawberry gold, and a black dog up in the air.