Cherry wine cbd

So I have 3 cherry wine cbd seeds that came in a jar of flower I ordered on amazon last spring. I think I’m going to pop them in a few weeks for my next grow…

Here’s the question; I’ve heard they like less nitrogen than a normal cannabis plant, any other grow tips? This is purely for funsies, so I’m not worried about them being perfect the first time growing hemp vs marijuana.

Oh, I use a roots organic based soil mix (basically my old, used mushroom substrate (lobster compost, manure, humus, compost, rice hulls, straw, vermiculite and coir) mixed 50/50 with roots emerald city ( or whatever they call their new one, I never remember its name right). Then supplement as needed with the roots organic nutes, coconut water, epsom and mr much- stache cal mag. Works great for me.


Cherry Wine is one of the MOST common Hemp varieties. No “special Nutrient regime” needed. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray:


I’ve seen others posting this too… whats ss/bw?

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Stay Safe/Be Well…lol…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray:'s


Ooooooook lol I thought it was either a tek or a piece of equipment I wasn’t familiar with!


I have a single seed of lemon something cbd that came in a dispensary gram of flower. I think I’m going to try and sprout it too. Never grown any cbd strains and it just seems interesting. My next grow is going to be freakshow, stealth fighter duckfoot and some ABC. So growing oddballs is right up my alley