Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

I put the stems in the water. Once the roots are nice and formed you can plant them. If you plant them before the roots are big, they might wilt, and need to be covered with a dome.

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I will get some foam or rubber to fit the lid holes and some tape to mark the cuttings

i will also wait for lots of roots hopefully

i think I’m going to pick up a LED plug and play shoplight for the propagation room .

these blurples are junk and maybe too bright?


The light should be fine, and as long as your water is like 18-20C the clones will root.


i did it… heat mat supisingly did the trick…

i thought you mentioned once to keep the temperature low so it doesnt get any bad growth like bacteria. or was thatt just for cuts

now i just need to find a good medium to fill the holes i put in lid…

also maybe something to keep the stalks straight

im thinking straws maybe? … ill have to find smt at the dollar store

should i try and keep it more so closer to 18c?


That temp is good. You could get some neoprene from a pool noodle or something like that. It packs around the stem and has give to it and will block the light. I get black neoprene from the store.


Try pool noodle

they are cheap you only need one



Or the cheapo garden kneeling pads… I punch pucks with a pipe then cut a slit


im almost there…lol was planning on smoking it , but had some driving to do LOL.
no seeds
and glorious smell when i busted it up. smells like a bouqet if roses
got a feelin its gona taste like smoking grass hahaha

might have to infuse it with MCT-oil

@ShiskaberrySavior - well!@!! i finally smoked it. needed it medically too where i fucked my back up last night…
had 4-5 puffs… tasted fine. burned well. and got a nice little light buzz! i havent smoked since before christmas!
got some relief from the back/nerve pain

hopefully i found a new friend with the CBD cultivars :wink:

thank you!


Glad it turned out good . I knew it has great smell I’d just never got to smoke any .


to be honest, it was great.

the cerebral effects didn’t last too long - maybe 15-20 minutes. it was definitely similar to some low schwagg THC ! lol

it put me in my head a tiny little bit , but not as much as some thc varietys do.

killed any pain/ nerve sensitivity.

no paranoia or racing thoughts like i get sometimes.

it was the most pleasant ive felt in a bit. after smoking it , i went and did some meditation , lying on my back on the floor , with legs up on a chair , thighs 90° , calves 0°. trying to allignn my spine

i was out there for an hour LOL.


made it into the tents today.

had a scare last night thinking my shingles were back
but it was a burn from hot water bottle.
thank lord…still not out of woods with back pain…but the 1.5days bed rrezt has helped…

Ive got my clone looking pretty good!@@ i hope its actually alive , i dont want to check for root growth yet though!!

also my GG#4 FEM is doing well

nothing special for how old it is.

veg tent is packed.
with 3 blueberrys/hashplant @SHSC-1 inn the margarine tubs. tthey are slow but pushing some height now.

also got in there a BC BIG bud in the back left… a ghost rose auto front right burnt to a crisp lol
lsd bog back right. huge
a random in a pot

in the flower tent moving slow but they are stinking now, ZERO stretch
PRE98BK far left
AND LAST on right.

how does everyone PH there water???
like mine from tap, left over night + days is still 7.8-8.2

i have ph down but i dont feel right doing it…
shoulld i keep a big reservoir for the water to ph? rather than ph ing every feed

nutes are easy as i keep a reservoir…i broke my water rez

my cuttings havent spit a root yet in my shitty aerocloner lol
i did order a new high pressure air pump with 2 out puts and 2 curtain walls…

if that doesnt work well enough. i will buy the $150 one on amazon with a good submersible pump that sprayz the roots in stead


I use lemon juice for ph down or baking soda for ph up if you wanna stay organic :wink:


I like that@@

i felt the PH down is really salty lol and i would end up using to much and then ph up and down again

usually if i use too much ph down. ill cut it with tap water again.

ill definitely try lemon juice!
IT WOuld have to be the concentrate lol…lemons are expensive!!

going to try that@@@ thanks!


Anytime brother. Yeah, it helps that I’ve got a lemon tree.

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what I tell every new grower I mentor is this … “PH is everything”
Understanding the nutrient absorption vs PH range is very important when it comes to cannabis.
I like to see my sunshine 4 soilless mix staying in the 6.2 to 6.8 range. Sunshine 4 is somewhat in the acidic range and I generally PH my nutrients and waterings to 6.6/6.8. I find this very important because at 6.8 certain nutirents/elements are more availlable and while the PH swings down between feedings/waterings , other important nutrients and elements are availlable. PH range for whatever media you are growing in is important to understand.
and critical to put into practice… so back to the beginning… PH is everything.

Now for rooting we switch things up a bit and keep the PH range between 5.8 and 6.3 because that range favors rooting or root building of the seedling or clone.

I feel that every grower, regardless of plant species, needs to first , understand PH and how critical it is for balancing nutrient absorption in a given media.
CEC (cation exchange capacity) of different mdia from rockwool to coco and from soilless mix to full organics needs to be understood as well and once these two facets of growing are understood… tailoring PH and nutrient mix can become quite routine.


I have to agree ph is more important that the nutrients.


I use sulfur pellets to manage my PH when I am growing outdoors. A little coffee grounds as well.


copy that! ph is the most importent. what works for me is using posphoric acid and nitric acid in different ratios at different stages to keep my pH most of the time at 5.8. my tap water comes out at 6.5 so not much to add . hydrobuddy became my best friend since i startet to use salt instead of liquids fertilzers. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


it’s important to note though that different mediums require a different PH
Hydro systems 5.8 is the general rule of thumb
soilless mix and organics… I’ll say 6.8
coco… not sure but probably the same as hydro


yep thats true sorry i should have mention what medium i use! iḿ only growing in rockwool :v: