Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

Makes alot of sense to why my seedlings are so inactive! and probably most of my plants!

so you would suggest my liquid nutrients for soil medium be at a lower P.H. than 6.3?

ive got a bit of tinkering to do but , will find a new big trashcan for a water reservoir and maintain the ph for my soil medium plants…

class starts now lol

im afraid to check my cloning water lol id imagine. a p.h. of 8.x lol

with using bottled PH UP and DOWN…is there caution required?
i find when i use a dropper, im much more accurate…but sometimes i just pour it in. then its like down to 4 lol. and i really dont want to dump PH UP in there too. ill usually dump it and start over

and usually when i mix my nutrients via REMO calculator. it drops down super low also

so if these feeds arent at the right p.h. . the plant cant access the nutrients and could be toxic


PH of 7 is fine for making clones, I’ve never ph checked the clone water.


I never check ph for clones or seedlings either. Just once they move from seedlings or clones to full on rooted plants. Then I ph to 6.2 in veg and move up to 6.5 for flowering. All of this I had to learn the hard way. Nutrient lock-out killed off several of my plants while I figured it out. Now I feel very confident in my growing techniques.


jungle in here
going to have some special stuff going on this june and summer

ive got two plants that i just noticed are female (woo wtf@@) and i dont even know whatt they are . i have a guess to one ,ione is a blueberryxhashplant and another a random chuckd genetics. i was selecting my seeds to grow last and i was picking them out and labelling to soak in paper towel…and i stood up and there was a loose bean there… so i said shag it and plant as random.
i up potted before i took a week trip at the end of last month. i should be able to identify through my photos.

this trainwreck is going to be nuts. i should of veg it longer. but i have cuts
i just watered it . but i thinnk im going to lean it sideways to expose the lower of plant lol. its a true xmas tree

now rest of photoz from this evening.

oooo autos are not my thing apparently … ghost rose


each medium has a different PH range…
Hydroponics in rockwool, hydroton pellets or in NFT or airoponics… PH is generally no higher than 5.8
In soilless mix… I input at 6.6 to 6.8
for an organic soil I would do the same 6.6 to 6.8
As the plant dries and absorbs the nutrients made availlable at 6.8… I find the media’s PH begins to drift down to 6.2. Each time I water or feed I want to reset that PH to the higher number
I don’t want to confuse you but I would seriously look at going with 6.6 to 6.8

mix your food as usual in a 1 gallon jug … take a ph reading. Add 6 drops of Up or Down as required… shake and measure again … repeat until you hit the magic number.
Write that amount of drops down on a chart on your wall.
Then do the same with your plain water… check ph, adjust, then write the number of drops down for plain water.
Now you have a baseline to work with to hit the correct PH everytime.


i’m a little fuzzy headed tonight from some meds and its been a long day.

thanks for taking the time to reply and work with me!

Ive been pretty fast and loose with my nutrients. id mix a batch for say , 4 5 gallon pots at week 1 flower . and whats left over id keep and dilute and feed to veg plants , or hold it for another feed .

i went a good year without P.H. , now, i dont mean a Good Year growing Lol but …i went a year without a functioning pen. the plants suffered for sure.

So it will be good to start feeding them properly. they could all be locked out for all i know!

ill have to hope for the best with whats currently growing , and get some consistency for future plants☆

i paid for the pen , so i may as well use it to benefit myself and the plants!

ill see how they do with the feed at 6.6-6.8


bought a new pump for aerocloner…it sucks…currently got two pumps. three curtain walls lol…money sunk now. going to have to make the lid work

also i put the ever lastinng BOG LSD in the prop tent lol…just burnin electricity…bills gonna be racked…


space made in veg tent… for whatevers going on in there.

still crowded…all females except 3 blueberrys that are un known. i may as well up pot them!

and another pic of flower tent

looks like the light green leafs are starting to get a bit darker with some consistent feeding

and i tilted the trainwreck side ways lol

oh my!!@ fast forward 5 weeks.plz.

this is the first time i didnt do a heavy defoliation before flipping…and my gosh they seem slow out the gate…havent even seen any stretch@


howdy O.G. community

wondering if there is anything that could slow plants down from flowering?
i think im being a bit hard on them for just 2 weeks lol

they could be locked out? i didnt see any stretch.

im 2 weeks in and seems super slow out the gate… . .

only change this time is i didnt schwazzz the shit out of them on day zero. im somewhat afraid to strip them now as i dont want to stress them out…

the plants were held in veg state for a long time
other info… lights off at 9pm to 9am… bit cold over nighy this time of year but there is another tent next to it and a furnace lol


@ReikoX finally got a Ghost Rose . my first auto…ive put it through hell but it seems to be doing its thanggg!

then the veg tent is turning around.

my little clone. im pretty sure its alive


Looks pretty good for your first auto. :+1::seedling:


There is something nutrient wise going on with your blooming plants. They have purple on the stalks I think it’s a deficiency. I’d test the soil for sure, and see what’s what.

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I can test the run off after flushing some water through tomorrow.

poor girls…

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never checked run off…just fed them p.h. accurate feed.

played around inn veg tent.
up potted a GG#4 .
(3 more are pretty root bound…BC big bud and a random.and blue berry. gotta get up potted…i only have 3 gallons i think…illl check recent amazon order)

a clone has been created@@@@@ one root has developed through the cup drain hole !!! its real!!
***forgot to add perlite to soil shit ***

my aerocloning tub is producing nada…15 days lol…



What do the cuttings look like in the rubbermaid?


on top or under neath???

on top some are dead yellow / hard to tell with blurple
some on top still green

under neath - some translucent , soft / gelly. some have hard white dots on the bottom of stem . im wishful thinking its roots coming out.

i did pour some hormone gel in the water

ill get a photo in morning.

i really hope to get a few rooting in it


rooting hormone isn’t needed. The white bumps are root nodes so they’ll root. The gooey ones are not going to make it. Usually when light falls on the wet stem of the plant it can rot off.


I was peaking a few times a day .

i could try duct taping the tub to prevent light

. and develop the lid to accomodate the cuttings with suggestions mentioned.

ive got some female plants in veg that id love to keep around for another cycle.

Ive got a few cuts in cups an the water n cuts are stinnkyy. i threw a few out. . exposed to way to much light for sure

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It’s like an opportunistic infection that sets in. Powered by the mixture of light and some nutrients. Small organisms like rotifers etc. Just looking in shouldn’t hurt. It’s usually water wicks up the stalk of the plant into the light when there is some nutrient in there above like .2EC, it seems to get strange organisms growing. Doesn’t happen all the time either, but I’ve found it can kill off an easy 50% of them, by turning them into mush.

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Interesting !

ill never not take too many cuttings!

i find ive had cuts last in cups of water in the “right” environment and just stay fresh all over! usually very low light room, cool air .

good for preserving cuts but maybe not perfect enough to root.

id really like to learn about the science of cloning and rooting.

i know people have been doing it forever with all kinds of plants

stories of friends mom just taking a clip of something from the nursery section at grocrry store. or my dad planting a cut of some weird plant and putting it in a wine bottle or wide mouthed glass jar and it grows!


here are the stems.

ive defoliated all but the train wreck and p98bk to avoid stress

both AFK are defoliated. one fed with 6.8 ph nutrients. other 6.3ph


I think most of them will root anyways, they don’t look that bad, except for a couple.

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