Chez Calix - Journey of a Junior grower

And today!

Everything is coming along excellent.

Still haven’t given any liquid nutrients in a couple weeks.

They seem to be chugging along well!

Hopefully this weekend I can sort out the other tent and move the fems over an take some cuts
Set up the other tent with the cloner


Apologize for Daily updates

Super bushy tent , very happy I made it out of the rut I was in!

Waiting to see if my Bubba kush is a female
. Didn’t snag a photo of it individually .

It’s front Second From The left

Not showing anything yet. Below IS a female


nothing to apologize i enjoy your updates ! :slight_smile: i`m not writing much, but i love daily pic updates.
it so enjoyable, to see all this different pics, plants, techniques ect !!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you!

Been a bit since the last update.

Just transplanted today

Need two more pots and some soil for last two fems…

Second tent is all Regs and hasn’t shown sex yet. Im guessing males.

Also some serious roots. Fuck, didn’t take long to go through 2 gallons of soil


You may ask

Wtf happend since this photo


I’m not sure…sure …

Did a defoliation and took some cuttings.

Also seems the roots are going ape shit for the soil
Maybe seeking nutrients .
Not sure


Up potting and flipping soon as I get 2 more pots and a bag of soil…

Might even flip before then. I think I have two slightly bigger pots anyway.

And if any of my veg plants show male. IL steal theyre pots.!

Definitely need more soil

I would never be able to do a solo cup run



You need to stock up on a couple of the big bales of pro mix . Do you recycle your soil? Can’t remember the last time I actually bought a bag of soil.


I knowwwwwww FUCK

I had the promix bales when I first started.

And grew from clone and my buddy gave me soil

Then fed from liquid nutrients

Then I tried running seeds with just promix and nothing ever grew .

I will be stocking up on soil though so this doesn’t happen again…

I just had to slash the roots to prune them .

The plastic pots are horrible for spooling nutes

I’d say il be 2 weeks behind now once recovery

Which will give me the time to grab soil for the last two.

I also used a pile of the soil I had up potting regs into big 4 gallon fabric pots…

So if they haven’t shown sex in a couple days I’m going to assume male an recycle the soil and pot

I’m almost interested in trying hydro LOL…


Things are looking good man.
Nice roots too. might be time for a transplant and flip to flower?


Exactly my thoughts ! And thank you.

I did up pot two ,

and need to pick up a little more soil to up pot the other two. Then flipping 100%

I may even flip them tomorrow .

I may have the soil if i determine two regs are males, i can then recycle …

they seem to be very slow on showing sex.

I’ve got these as regs…
5 molokia citrus kush
2 alien og
1 Bubba kush

Would have assumed some would show sex already.

They were all looking very healthy.

But I think my first attack of defoliation and taking cuts was a little hard on them , and then the small pots didn’t help.

Maybe I’ll flip sooner then later :slight_smile:


Got my flip game on!!! Fuck it@@@ they always bounce bag during flower… I pruned the roots a little rough yesterdayesterday… will take a bit to recover…if I didn’t fully kill them

@Barefrog found 1 female out of 5 molokai citrus frost. It was the one in smallest container. Almost dead.

I sacrificed one MCK that.hadnt shown sex yet and recycled soil

Up potted and put in flower tent.

Stole soil from another mck and up potted my other feminized cherry breeze.

This bottom photo is the one I sacrificed… couldn’t tell sex.
But assumed it was a male…

All the Males grow so well

On a midnight to lunch lights out Schedule.

Veg tent will be running and exhausting warm air

Flip day starts tonight…hoping for the best


Looks male to me, I swear I see leaf bracts!


November 08 - flipped lights off for 12 hours at 11:59 November 06

STill have 3 more to decide if males…In veg tent

I’m thinking they are .

Seems a bit ballish at the tops

Also did some defoliation + feeding today.
Flipped Sunday night at midnight.


That last image is a male for sure!



Well that helps alot.

Thank you


If that’s the case… I think all three are.

My last and only Bubba kush seed also

Maybe I’ll open pollinate with it lol


Pretty sure the whole veg tent is males haha 6/7 regs are males

Got 1 molokai citrus kush female out of 5!

Good news is ! I don’t have to buy soil , or pots@

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Wow that’s crazy odds! Make sure to clone the female in case it’s good.

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I have put it in flower tent since Sunday.

It’s not very big for cuts…

Or healthy at the moment. 1/5 molokai citrus kush was female @ from @Barefrog

It was in a small pea soup plastic Container and was yellow when I noticed the hairs.

But yea@@@@@@

I will repot it and put it back into vegative lighting!@@@


2 of my Flowering plants look exceptional!!

Took two of the fems out for photographs.

Will up pot them tomorrow and Maybe re veg them. At least one

This is flower tent.

Not sure of order. But it’s A GDP. GG4 and cherry breeze or something
they are labeled in the pots lol but not sure from photo right now

Then the photo with 5 in flower is another cherry breeze and 1 molokai citrus kush

The next photos is the veg tent… all males-

Bubba. 2 alien and and 4 molokia citrus kush

Unfortunately they are all males… I have been counting on using the veg tent exhaust to keep the room warm over nights as I’m flowering with lights off over night. 12am to 12pm


Will I be able to change the flowering 12 hours of darkness to a different schedule? I would like to get it to most likely lights off from 6am-6pm

However having it the way I have it now , I won’t have any surprise accidents of Me turning the lights on during lights out lol e.g I can stay out of the grow room from midnight until lunch time.

Trying to think of a better schedule to suit me…



I have altered the schedule before with no ill effect but I can’t predict what will happen in your garden. What I did was ensure that when I altered the schedule, I gave the plants the full 12 hours of darkness plus how ever many hours it is till the new lights on time.
In my case I had the plants on 12/12 at night and wanted to finish them outside in the greenhouse. So it worked out to pretty much 24hrs of darkness then resumed normal flowering time on the new schedule.
so for you lights off at 12 pm and on at the new time of 6pm , You would give your plants 18hrs of darkness , so midnite to 6pm darkness then carry on with the 6am to 6pm cycle. I’m pretty baked right now but i think that is right LOL



Thanks, I will take the information :slightly_smiling_face:

It sounds like it would work.

Enjoy your evening :blush: very much appreciate the reply.

It’s not deathly important to switch it. However with winter coming, the lights off overnight have Me a little concerned.

If I can keep something going in the veg tent overnight. Then I think I’ll be fine either way

I’ve got males In veg now I need to get rid off. And the exhaust Is dumping raw into same room

Need to get on that tomorrow

Thx again