Chlorine and soil microbes question

I am going organic and soil in general for the first time. I was wondering if it’s standard practice to use chlorinated tap water for irrigation after sitting for a couple days to off gas. I have vegetables and a couple autoflowers going in buckets outside. I have R.O. for drinking water but I hate to use alot because of the waste water it makes. Thanks in advance for any opinions


I use municipal water with organic soil.
Mine stands about 72 hrs before use
(depends on how many jugs I have in the rotation… :grin:)

What you need to do is check your local municipal water report to see what they are using (chlorine or monochloramine). Chlorine will ‘gas off’ but the chloramine needs chemicals to remove (tropical fish stores will have the right stuff).



I grow organic and use straight tap water without letting it sit. We have very crappy hard water and though im sure it’s not ideal I have very few problems with it. When I add LABS I let the water sit tho for 24 hours. However I’ve heard that ro water ph is a little off and can cause problems, personally I have not tried it tho.



Use your tap water and if you’re worried about the chlorine or chloramine just toss some Ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate in there.


If that’s outside then wind i understand :sweat_smile: but indoors that limpiness looks like transplant shock & maybe overwatering

The chlorine had me worried too but look around the area :eyes: & if everything that’s irrigated looks ok then it won’t kill your plant :joy:

Rainwater is best, RO next, then tap water

The municipal water report is key too
Brockovitch-239 or whatever



Lol it’s lst’d. Was the picture of health before that.


Check to see if your water has chlorine, chloramine or both.

My city water has both so I’m obligated to use a chloramine filter as that stuff doesn’t dissapate like chlorine when you let it stand open for a few days.

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