Watering? What kind would you use?

I live very close to a city, and hear smog can be an issue with rain water. I like to use filtered, purified, or spring water. But when I get desperate I let tap water sit for 2 days before use. I was just wondering what some grow vets thought or experienced.

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Smog in rain water is sulfur so don’t sweat that. You just don’t want chorine in any form or too many carbonites, bi-carbonites, minerals and so on that your ppm is too high and you can’t add nutes. If the ppm is high all the time you get die offs of bacteria and fungi also.


Fish tank water. Set up some big tanks. Take half of the water out to use for garden bout every 2 wks. Or as needed. No more than half. undergravel filters with lots of gravel. Best ever for small personal grow

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Yea I’ve heard some good things about fish tank water. I’m guessing the siphoned water from a fish tank cleaning wouldn’t be good? I was told that you shouldn’t use creek water cause of the possibility of piloted run off. I’m sure that if you have a guerilla grow, and don’t wanna be seen carrying water might be your only option. I posted this cause I couldn’t find much on here about different water options for the averaged small grow Joe, to a large grow opp.

I would not use fish tank water for hydroponics, but for watering soil its fine.

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I used 175 gallons every 2 wks, allmost half of each tank. No problems. Staight from tanks to buckets in my dwc hydro setup. When I switched to tank water every thing improved ,health,size,taste,power,crystals got thicker more spread looking like sugar coating. For small personal grow I will use nothing else. For large grow ? . Maybe a contained fish pond. I plan to stay small so i don’t even think large scale.

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