ChongoBongo's Big Grow Box

And then there were two :disappointed_relieved:

You weren’t kiddin! They got hit by some kind of fungus that’s for sure

the infected OSTxP

big ole rust vein running right up her (yeah…her!!) stalk. Did I mention she was she? A her as it were. Well, my luck turned out that she just started showing pistils…the day I yank her. Did I say something about jinxing myself? Maybe I wasn’t knocking on the right kind of wood :thinking:

The c99xss, similarly FUBAR’d and tossed into the shrub. Also a her.

And theeeeeeeeeeen…

Yeah. :joy: My grow buddy hurt his back and wasn’t able to check on the plants for a few weeks, naturally at the perfect timing. Too bad I didn’t pick the week before to come visit the garden :man_facepalming: The last c99xss is definitely female (yay!) but well into budding and right next to the male (fuck!).

You know, I was wanting to preserve this strain anyways. This is fine.

And finally some leaf pics of the big OSTxP to close out the post, who I’m still not willing to sex yet (I’m knocking on every piece of wood in the house🤞)

Thin thin thin :blush:

Also, apologies for not taking pics of the female c99xss, my stoned ass forgot :joy: Till next time :v:


Yeah, fusarium is a trip the first time witnessing it; One day you see a little branch dying, the next it’s already dried 🤦

It’s a soil pathogen (I think :sweat_smile:) and can wack a whole plant in a couple of weeks.

Best of luck with the rest



They’re both looking pretty solid for the moment, didn’t see anything out of the ordinary since the other three started turning. Maybe I’m lucky and found some resistant phenos (knocking on wood intensifies)


Things are still looking good :blush:

Everybody is loving the rain from the hurricane. Thanks mother nature, sorry socal :joy:

My enclosure wasn’t quite as deer proof as I intended - the baby deer were sneaking in through two little cat sized holes I made for my garden pals and they started doing a little taste testing. Thankfully just a little

A little chicken wire later and that’s been 86’d. Those little shits.

The c99xss is pretty well seeded, but I don’t think it’s absolutely riddled. I’ve enjoyed seeded bud before so I’m actually kinda grateful for this :+1: Maybe I’ll have enough to pass a few out, who knows :wink: The swollen calyx’s were a lot more obvious last week but I tried to capture one anyways

I’m really excited for the OSTxPeshawar. Besides the height (at least 7ft by now) and general structure which are nice, it’s starting to get some beautiful red/pink streaks on the side branches and petioles

best of all, rubbing the main stem leaves visible brown streaks of sticky resin on my hands that reek with the same light, fresh, woody scent that makes up part of the complex aroma in my columbian and acapulco golds :astonished: Sticky as in my fingers audibly snap when I pull them apart! All before it’s even shown sex! I’m almost hoping it’s a male at this point so I can chuck its pollen to kingdome come and preserve this sucker, I’ve never been able to keep a cutting alive. I do have a little pollen from the male c99xss that got cut down, a little from a colorado sativa’s ciskei, and a little from two males of the fbsc repro of snowhigh’s columbian gold so I have some cards up my sleeve if chucking is on the menu :thinking:


Under statement of the year looks good. Those beasts look awesome man!

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I like it. :sunglasses: :metal:


A quick update, and another day of mixed news -

the c99xss is getting really close to finishing, I just might pull it this week :eyes: here it is last week

The OST x P has finally shown sex aaaaaaaand he’s a dude

That sure did develop fast :joy: I gave him quick a looksy and while he did have a solitary white pistol on a pod…

I decided to take the top off and stick it in a 1 gal milk jug along with 1/4 tsp of dynagro foliage pro to try to get some pollen out of this sucker. He’s just too good to let go - the further I went up the plant, the stickier and more aromatic the stem rubs became. The top felt almost wet it was so greasy with sticky oil, reeking with that nice light woody smell, just strong. If he isn’t a stud, and if heterosis isn’t playing tricks on me, then @Upstate this whole line has got to be special. I’ve only played with a couple males in my time (wink) but I’ve never even seen a female like this. Just fantastic

A couple flower pods were already opened by the time I got to it, so if all goes according to plan I’ll be able to dust this pollen on a few special ladies this season :crossed_fingers: I already tried using some columbian gold pollen I collected in march but it didn’t take, hopefully it’ll be easier this time since it’s fresh. Hey, maybe it’s a sign I was supposed to use this guy all along :wink:


I know you were looking for flower shots of the OST x P @Upstate and not seed making per se, so I’m sorry to disappoint on that front :disappointed_relieved:


…and that’s a wrap :blush: C99xSS was chopped down a little on the early side to encourage daytime effects - orange hairs, with milky trichomes that showed just the tiniest hint of amber. Looking forward to giving a preliminary smoke report in the next few weeks. Big boy was knocked down last week in a rush and so ended up on the ground instead of in my composter. Pretty nice stump on the guy. His pollen lives on…

Without counting the top in the jug I measured this guy at 8ft. I’m glad I could get some pollen out of him, he was a stud and this was the absolute best pollen collection I’ve performed to date. I have a few ideas of how I’m gonna use this - more to follow :eyes:

Thank you all for following along, and a BIG thanks to @CADMAN and @Upstate for making this run possible! Smoke report will come in the following weeks :blush:


Another year in the books. Great looking cola :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Now that’s a great looking plant Cinderella99 (Evil Pineapple) X BOG Sour Strawberry F3 (Gushers pheno) @ChongoBongo very nice!

Looking forward to your smoke Reports.
Loving them leaves and fat colas…

What ya planning with the pollen? @ChongoBongo


I believe it’s Oaxaca x Peshawar,not ostx Peshawar…
The female Oaxaca in the cross is a direct descendant of Old Silversides. I am not surprised there is crazy resin. :grin:
Most likely I will work this hybrid.
@drgreensleeves Has some big ones going as well.
I wouldn’t be afraid to use that male for making some headstash seed


Nice nug!


Thanks everybody :grin:

That’s the plan alright :wink: I have a big beautiful kalamata red just starting to really bud out that will absolutely be a pollen target. She has a monster trunk and great node spacing, looking like she’ll be a righteous producer. I have 3 goji og’s that I hope aren’t too far along to get some pollen still and I have some other landrace sativas at my disposal…some nanan bouclous, ciskei, nanda devis (much later flowering than anticipated!), along with 2 acapulco golds and 1 columbian gold from the repros on here. I’m torn between being selective with who I hit vs hitting a branch on everybody :face_with_monocle::thinking: I think I’ll hit the gojis, the c.g. and at least one a.g. for sure on top of the kalamata red.

Ah, my mistake! I thought I read you say something about a mystery thai sativa with indica properties being in the mix but that must have been about a different cross :v:


South Indian Sativa with Indica properties. It can’t be ruled out yet. I have seeds I am sure are Old Silversides x South Indian, and I’ll need to grow some to know if that’s what it could be. The Oaxaca Old Silversides “s1” plant I allowed( no choice really) Peshawar to pollinate came from an Old Silversides plant that had pure Old Silversides seeds on it, seeds from regular Oaxaca males, and also potentially was hit by a South Indian plant. The reason I’m suspicious of this Oaxaca plants’ pedigree is the deeper, more powerful effect it produces, along with a 20 week flowering time, which is the upper limit for my Oaxacan.

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