ChongoBongo's Big Grow Box

At risk of jinxing myself again (I’m knocking on wood as I type :joy:) here I am with grow log take 2! I grow outdoors in the beautiful foothills of cali-forn-I-A at the garden of my good friend and fellow grow buddy who is generous enough to let me use his space and share his labor. None of this could happen without him 🫂 :blush: This season we have all OG’er gear on deck - four of @CADMAN 's c99 x sour strawberry, two legends combined to deliver powerful pineapply goodness and two of @Upstate 's (Oaxacan x mystery sativa) x holy smokes peshawar, an all-star all sativa trifecta that will be new to everyone involved. I’ve never grown true landrace sativa genetics before so this will be a really exciting grow for me on many levels :star_struck:

the two oaxacan x peshawar’s are on the bottom right, with the four c99 x ss’s surrounding them

close up of the OxP’s:

and some closeups of the c99 x ss:

The road to get here was unfortunately bumpier than anticipated. The c99 x ss sprouted five for five and were taking off like rockets until two got stunted from accidental overfeeding

All signs pointed to iron deficiency but the pH was normal at 6.5. My gut said lockout was to blame and they were put on a strict water only diet for two weeks while they recovered. Both are doing fine today, one can be seen above as the first c99 x ss closeup and here’s the other one, which I ended up donating to a friend’s grow

The oaxacan x peshawar’s had a much rougher go. I originally tried to sprout 5 and only got one. Their soil was way denser than I originally realised and they just didn’t make it above the soil. I managed to dig one up and it was recovering fine, until dying under mysterious circumstances while I was away. My grow buddy unfortunately had no idea what went wrong :disappointed_relieved: RIP. I tried to sprout 3 more and only one came up. I dug up the other two and found whole seeds just barely starting to sprout. One had a brown root tail and the other seed was almost completely mush. Both were re soaked in a strong mix of 3% peroxide and water.

the brown root tip bleached up to white over 12 hours and they both got put back into another pot of dirt. Where there’s a will…

BUT so far we have six b-e-a-YOOOOTYFUL little plants chugging along on their way to greatness, so I’m seeing good things in my future. Next hurdle to cross is male/female ratios…cmon baby daddy needs a new pair of shoes!

(* knocking on wood intensifies * )


Tough early luck. Looks like the plants are growing now though. . I’ll be amazed if the brown tipped root grows. Can you fix that issue like I fix stem rot? This will be a new trick for me if it works. Good luck!
I have plenty more Oaxaca Peshawar if you need them. Where in Cali are you?
Looking forward to the c99/ss ( what’s ss?)too.


Got my seat pulled ready for the show, like the choices for this year, good luck with your grow


Thanks guys. The ‘ss’ is Sour Strawberry, @Mithridate 's if I recall correctly. I believe cadman had two phenos he crossed to his “evil pineapple” c99, a strawberry gushers pheno and a canned pineapples pheno. I’m not sure which I got, they were part of cadman’s lifelline thread. Maybe @CADMAN could elaborate more?

Unfortunately it’s a little late in the season for my grow partner and I to start more seeds, and we’re getting close to our plant count so we’ll have to pass this year. I really appreciate it though man, I’m hoping I can still give you a good showing of the oaxacan x peshawars :disappointed_relieved::+1:

Our garden is in the northern californian foothills, just about 39 degrees north and 3000ft in elevation. Very similar to Greece and afghanistan, we have long hot and dry summers, and usually fairly dry winters with chances for snow but this last year has proven otherwise, it was torrential. Wine grapes and olives are grown in the region commercially, you can still find wild grapes and fig trees brought over by spanish missionaries growing in the wild. The military actually used to practice flying under radar right over the house because the foothills are that similar to the middle east. I think it’s a perfect spot to show off some traditional afghani genetics, thanks again for this awesome opportunity my dude :sunglasses::+1:

I’ll be amazed too if those little suckers make it. One was almost mush and fizzled like mad when it hit the h202 mix, but the other that I pictured felt very whole and intact, it just had that rotting root tip and didn’t show too much action when it hit the peroxide. I should have taken a picture but it was pearly white when I took it out yesterday, I’m actually kind of hopeful for it :crossed_fingers:


Loving it! Exciting range of seeds, following along with this one if I may? ! :heart_eyes:

Pz :v:t2:


I checked my PMs and you got the BOG Sour Strawberry F2 (gushers pheno) x C99 Evil Pineapple (Canned Pineapple Pheno) should make an epic strain ,) @ChongoBongo


The c99 “evil pineapple” are from mosca c99 bx1 repro I did. I’m fairly sure the sour strawberry f2 also came from me, from a 2018 pack reproduced in ~2020. Multiple people pitched in for cadmans ss run so I can’t be 100% but I think others had f3s from an older run. :call_me_hand:

I don’t know how the c99 x ss will end up but there is great potential in those.


Alright, it’s update time!

They grow up so fast :disappointed_relieved:

The oaxacan x peshawars are really taking off! the bigger one is now the biggest plant in the box

2 gal watering can for comparison :wink:

and here’s the c99xss, which are all looking fantastic

and one more shot of the big oaxacan x Peshawar because I accidentally put it here lol.

I also visited the friend I gave my last c99 to, happy campers all around :+1:

And finally we get to the seed hospital, where again we have good news bad news (but mostly bad). Good news is, the h202 trick worked! I came over to my grow buddies place to find green leaves! The bad news? I found the one survivor underneath another plant pot, under the dirt.

Apparently he completely forgot about the seedling (despite me talking to him about it over multiple days) and decided to put another plant on top of it’s pot to make the plant…taller? For…reasons? I uncovered the seedling it seemed like it could be viable but after leaving it all day it dried to a crisp. I should have used a humidity dome :grimacing: After looking closer, It didn’t grow any taproot at all, it was all cotyledon and a little nub of a root. It wanted to live but just didn’t get a chance.

In any case, we had a little talk, and we’ve decided I’ll be leaving him written instructions from now on :man_facepalming:


They are looking great, can’t wait to see the finished product! The little one will manage, the stem doesn’t look broken so. :+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Oh ho ho! Nice lineup brudda!
I do believe you’re missing something, but don’t worry, I brought it along with me:
:sparkles::sparkles::bear:I bless this grow with the headiest of Heady Bear vibes! :bear::sparkles::sparkles:


AMEN :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :joy_cat:



The Heady Bear vibes must be coming through strong, last week we had a bear tip over the garbage can and nap right in our neighbors yard :eyes:

I noticed the cat freakin out about something and decided to look around, expecting to see one of her rivals (she’s always getting into cat fights and coming home beat up) but saw this big boy instead! I was wondering who had knocked the can over :sweat_smile: Another neighbor said they saw a young cub clinging to a tree somewhere else in the neighborhood, there must have been a whole family strolling through. Feeling pretty blessed nobody was feeling aggressive! The pope must have been out there in the woods with em :wink: Doing what exactly? Well, that’s between him and the bears :shushing_face:


edit: oh, and thank you for the heady blessing :pray::blush:


garden is exploding. The tall OxP is now just 2in shy of 3ft tall

Everyone is looking beautiful, and three of the c99 x ss are showing white pistols! No clue if they come out in these pics but they’re clear as day to my naked eye. Nothing definitive from the OxP’s or the 4th c99xss yet

the c99xss have a really fascinating veg structure. They’re very branchy and have long internodes but the branches are very low on the main stalk and point straight up, lining up rather neatly just below the central top. It gives the effect of having a ton of apical budding sites, and I can tell the branches are all going to open up and spread out come flower time. These are going to be seriously bushy yielders I think!


Yes indeed looking good that first pic has a nice stalk.


Awesome garden you have going there @ChongoBongo, they are all looking very healthy. I have apack of some c99 that I really want to get to also.


Healthy and flourished. :slight_smile:


Well, a little sadness in the garden this time. :disappointed_relieved: One of the c99 x SS went wacko while I was gone

as you can see it just went toast from the top down, but it strangely still had some life even in the dead parts. I yanked the plant and tossed it way off into the bushes in case it was diseased. I posted some pictures of the roots in case anyone sees something, it looks a little weird to me but I’m not sure what to look for. It took two hands and a foot braced on the box frame to yank it out so I don’t think it was rotting down there per se :joy: pH seemed normal too (6.5) but my meter was wigging out and it was a little hard to get a reading.

I’m seeing some trouble on two adjacent plants, but not necessarily where they were touching, one of the Oaxacan x Peshawar’s (now know to be Old Silver Sides Oaxacan x Mystery Thai x Peshawar :wink: from here on referred to as OSTxP) and another C99x SS so I gave everybody some dilute foliage pro in case they’re just hungry. What weirds me out is that it looks like half the leaf at a time is dying off

The half die-off has made it all the way from the bottom to the tops of the one c99xss and OSTxP, with the worst at the bottom. Everyone got a dose of JMS on top and I’ll be spraying them tonight :crossed_fingers: hoping this isn’t anything too nasty

Besides those two plants everyone is looking good. All the of the 3 remaining c99xss are female (the one donated to my friend ended up male) but no determination yet on the OSTxP’s. They’re showing preflowers but I can’t tell if they’re little bundles of leaves or tiny little pollen pods :grimacing: Hoping for the best


Probably the plant HPV. Every plant in your yard will likely die now. This is
“pure sarcasm”. The real truth is some plants die. You don’t need a test to tell you that. Sorry for your loss. @ChongoBongo Chin up. Circle of life. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Everything progressing as expected, more or less

the tall OSTxP is over 6ft tall now, and I’m seeing the slightest hint of pistols here and there among the numerous preflowers, hoping it’s actually female and not a hermie male :grimacing: or just my eyes playing tricks on me :joy:

The disease that killed the one c99xss (a female :disappointed_relieved:) is progressing up the short OSTxP and the other c99, which were both adjacent to the casualty. There are obvious white bumps up along their stems and even a rust colored vein going up the infected OSTxP and leaves are dying on both, seemingly just up one side of the plant, from bottom to top

some pics of the damage. On the OSTxP I can see the early signs of the death creeping in from the tips of the leaves, making them twist around before keeling over, which I tried to photograph

I defoliated both and sprayed them with the last of my little handheld bottle of neem oil in hopes of minimizing the damage but I couldn’t get full coverage. Fingers crossed here :crossed_fingers:

here you can see the c99xss nearly chopped in half :sob: The parts of the plants that aren’t dying actually look quite healthy, I still have a little hope of harvesting something worth smoking from them

everyone else seems to be unaffected by this problem so far :man_shrugging: the tall OSTxP is a beast, and the other two c99xss plants are bushy as can be. I’m thinking one of them is a male, but fortunately the other one is obviously female and has the best node spacing out of any of its siblings


Might be Fusarium there…with the dead one
