Chopped my first plant

You can also grow strains that don’t require much trimming. Like mine :grin:


this and staggered harvests, that was the only draw for perpetual for me before thinking about breeding.

this and eat edibles before, a little coffee every hour or two during. spacey yet functional, time will fly by.

seriously, procrastination is like a disease dont let it fester.


Enjoy this. Buy 5 gallon buckets. Yes it’s a lot of work. Worth it.


Buckets? Lost me

hangdry and then in some grove bags, is what i would do.

Just remember to check your posture every 20 minutes or so, and shake it loose. It is real easy on the mind to hunch and hunker for hours, but god Damn it hurts the body


Like most I started with glass jars and wouldn’t use anything else for decades. Added groove bags and plastic coffee cans several years ago. Still not enough room so I bought buckets. Works like a charm, burps like a jar. Best thing I ever did. I took down 5 plants last month and each got their own 3gl bucket.


Damn, first plant and you already have a Cannatrol?? Very nice. Someone spared no expense :wink::+1::+1:

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Two :rofl: and now I’m hanging plants I can’t get the cannatrol figured out

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Its a nice problem to have. Congratulations on your first harvest

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You can also let it all dry out completely, then turn it all into a fine crumble, and decarboxylate it all dry at 100 C / 212 F for 1 hr 11 mins, take half out, then let the rest go until 2 hrs 22 mins.
Then eat 1/3 of a teaspoon of each batch for breakfast, or as much as you need.

You can sprinkle it between a sandwich, or in your cereal, or yoghurt or whatever you eat.

The fibers make it slow release, so you’ll stay mellow all day long without it getting overwhelming or uncomfortable, if you stick to 1/3 or 1/2 a teaspoon of each batch that is.

feels goodman

Also, since your cannabis is basically sterilized this way you never have to worry about it rotting in the jar, any mold or fungus gnats that may be in your buds will be sterilized as well.

I like to eat the crumble pure, some of the terpenes do remain even if you can’t smell them.
I’ve had some taste like grilled cheese or strawberries.


Late to the chat.

Congrats on making it to the first harvest. It’s funny how much effort goes into the post cultivation stages with plants. This is equally true if you’ve ever grown just a couple too many hearty vegetables and try to can everything…

In a time pinch or once exhaustion hits. I’ve had a lot of success just stringing them up in a room. Just cut down the colas close to the base of the plant like 4+ feet even. And just remove largest fan leaves only. Hang and repeat.

Keep fans and even a dehumidifier in the dark room. And then you can attend to the trimming more or less at your own pace.

Freezing fresh trim for later hash is also good. And again in a pinch, you can let your fresh frozen dry out. For later hash / dry sift (may not be ideal but works) in the event you need freezer space.

And if you’re really overwhelmed you likely have friends that would love to be gifted the lesser buds and larf.

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