Chopped my first plant

And it feels like a love hate relationship. Took me over 2 hours to trim and get it in my cannatrol. It took every shelf I have in there, and I have 14 more to trim and cure! At this point I just want to throw them all out. Any tips? Severely overwhelmed.


Remove the fan leaves and hang them intact. Once they’re dry you can put them in Rubbermaid tubs until you can get to the final trimming. Or you can hire a trimming crew depending on where you live.


If you don’t have room in the cannatrol, just remove the fan leaves and hang them to dry, the actual trimming of the buds will come later. Some folks really like the cannabrush for reducing labor, but I haven’t ever used one.

If it’s for personal use, nobody is looking over your shoulder for it to be an Instagram nug, you can trim to your own satisfaction.


If it’s too much just make hash.

Or trim as much as you can stand and then make hash.

Or let them dry and then rub them with your hands until most of the leaves are gone. Not perfect but close enough.

Or get some helpers and pay them in weed.


Trim the nicest buds and make brownies out of the rest!


Weird flex but ok :laughing: just kidding. So many options but I agree. Don’t trim it yet. Or until you need it.


Foreigners right, make hash.

Use the largest freezer bags, trim off all the flower and freeze.
When you have time, make it into bubble hash. Check out JoeCrowes thread if you have seen it yet. :+1:



I see what others were saying but I would keep the fans on and just power through. The fans will help it dry slower. Harvest feels over whelming but you worked months to get to it. Put in the work and you will be rewarded. Stay the course is my advice. Work is a pain but how you feel when you are done and accomplished something is an amazing feeling. Smoke a joint and get to trimming is my advice :v:


Yeah I may just trim less pretty. I was really trying here.


Chin up man. If it wasn’t for curve balls I would never learn anything. :sunglasses: :metal:


I once trimmed every day all day for 3 months straight!! You have to get into the zen of it, empty your mind of thoughts and just zone out , every now and then you’ll snip a finger and that will jolt you back to earth. When you do, roll another joint and mix it with your collected finger hash, before you know it, it’ll be done.


I wet trin the fans and hang also. I just pulled a couple that hung for months (forgot them) the are very nice. I have a closet under the stairs going to the basement. It stays cool.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I’ve spent almost every day for months trimming for years and years, made me hate it, refuse to do it for YEARS, but now even 10 plants with a QP/1/2P each doesn’t look so bad compared to all horse stalls and the laneway leading into them strewn with plants hung from the ceiling and some almost touching the floor! Almost makes me anxious just picturing it :man_facepalming:t2:

You’ll be good! And as Doug says just wait until dried/cured when you look at all those bags/jars it makes it all worth while.


This was yesterdays take down. Took me 4 or 5 hours it sucked, and it was only about 125g wet weight from an auto.


I didn’t weigh it but I’d think like 1/2lb or so wet. Maybe but more? Was also an auto. Now I wish I weighed her


Better scissors first. Microtip fiskars w titanium coating. It would took me maybe half hour to trim that. Depending on leaf/calyx ratio. I tend to not keep anything loose n scraggly anymore. The trim is horrible and not worth the time. If it don’t produce golf ball single nugs with easy to remove leaves I run em out n toss the cut. Extraction is definitely an option. I’d shatter it and store that. Can make carts from the shatter etc. And it stores pretty long term with no loss of potency or flavor in fridge or freezer. I been making pckt 3 carts with shatter that blow away these dispensary carts. And only the larf gets shattered. I keep all the easy to trim primo stuff as flower.


Best decision I made last harvest when I was feeling overwhelmed with trimming was to trim the tops first. The rest went in totes to maintain moisture and begin curing to be trimmed at leisure. Run before that I trimmed each branch top to bottom larf and all. Much more miserable that way in my estimation.


Last season I got a Salad bowl style trimmer it worked OK took alot of the larger stuff off and made it easy to finish up an option to help you out of trim jail


Didn’t even think about that! I have a large slider farm one on the shelf new in box I’ll start using for the larf! Genius


Just let them hang and get to them while you can. Once they’ve hung a few weeks or a month, buck the buds off the stems and put in turkey bags and seal up. Make sure the buds are complete dry before putting in turkey bags. There’s no reason you have to get them trimmed right away. Just take your time. I know how it feels. I had 12 monsters outside last year. Took me months to get through most of it. Then I said fuck it and gave the rest away I trimmed lol
I’m not familiar with a cannatrol. Is it the refrigerator looking thing. I suppose you could just leave all the leaf material on when you put the buds in there. When they’re done just jar them up and trim it as you want.