Ciggs and Tobacco

I smoked American spirit and weed together for the first time and i felt like heaven and hell going at war in my mind and body.
Never had problems with liquor.
Nicotine helps me the most few times a year ill buy a black n mild supposedly 100% tobacco American spirit is too hars.
I can destress and still work and do things with nicotine.

A carton of seneca nation upstate ny cigs were 11bux.
The best tasting were Davidoff shipped from Europe with no tax.

I bought my last pack of Marlboros before it struck midnight Jan. 1, 2000…I made that pack last for 2 weeks and have never bought anymore cigarettes for myself…I’m so glad that I’ve finally quit and have not had any urge to start back up again…


Have dabbled with becoming a smoker since elementary school 5th grade. My dad smoked most of his life, my two older brothers smoke. Oldest brother died of a drug overdose. Really should be addicted to nicotine by now, I’m in my 40s but have never become a habitual smoker. I love nicotine too. It makes no sense. I’ve consumed tobacco in all it’s forms, haven’t had any in several years. Snus is the best, to get a nice hefty dose of nicotine without the TSNAs that cause cancer. Snuff was a lot of fun, but got tired of wiping my nose all the time and worrying if anything had fallen out of my nose while talking with people. Nicotine legit makes people’s brains work better. Don’t smoke that reconstituted stepped on abomination they tell you is a cigarette though, pure evil in my opinion. Take a sacred plant that is used ceremonially to launch prayers into the spirit world and do all that to it to addict people and cash in on it, evil.


After 22 years of a pack a day I quit 4 years ago now. The one and only time I ever tried to quit since I started at 12. Ecig was the way for me. I do still use it . I went from $400 a month on smokes to $60 a month on ejuice. The money I save pays my mortgage lol
The biggest thing for me was being able to breath again. I got so used to not being able to that I was amazed within just a couple weeks of stopping cigs at how I was never out of breath anymore.

I loved each and every smoke I ever had and I can still say quitting was one of the best choices I ever made. I don’t miss it at all.

A pack of smokes here is just shy of $20 lol


Who remembers these guys?


The sold those at thc in Toronto back in the day lol

They used to sell them at hot topic stateside and I used to get mine from the Rez.These we’re actually pretty good from what I remember expensive though.

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Ya they were strong and sold for the same price as american spirit . $10 or $12 a pack , which was crazy expensive at the time. I was a dunhill smoker then and they were $3.50 a pack lol

You can get natural untreated tobacco. Not sure of the brands were you are though.

I remember black death. Always thought it was strange branding idea.

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Yeah it’s like hi smoke this shit and die lol.

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I smoked a pack or two of American Spirits a day from 18-32, switched over to mostly vaping and eventually stopped buying the packs. Now I keep a pack around for the occasional convenient treat since I prefer handrolls, and mostly just get my tobacco fix smoking spliffs, I’ll up it from 5% in a normal one to 25-50% for a nice nicotine and THC blend. When it comes to rolling tobacco I rarely buy anything except Peter Stokkebye in the red pouch from Denmark

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Anyone here ever smoked a Cuban cigarette?Dude at work handed me one after we sparked one and I went to smoke it and it was like they rolled it with cigar tobacco.I couldn’t even finish it I almost puked.

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Different eh? I’ve also tried Chinese cigarettes and they tasted like they were grown in a heavily polluted area lol I didn’t enjoy the taste

Like these but a burgundy pack with a cat :cat: on it

As a Canadian, most American smokes taste like they have a little cigar tobacco in there, personally


For years i smoked joints with tobacco, in UK we only used to get imported morrocan slate or Afhan black or soapbar (which got worse over the years) so if you wanted a joint then tobacco it was (i had been smoking a few years before i even saw imported weed… and the suddenly you couldn’t move for massive 5lb slabs of African bush. (this is going back 30 years or more)
Gave up tobacco about 10 years ago (it took a few months to get used to the weed high without the nicotine ) and now smoke pure weed joints with a filter! (yes is still gets me absolutely wasted)
Now if i smoke tobacco i get that awful cold rising headrush, i hate it… and you get a much ‘cleaner’ weed high without he nicotine.