How much where you are?

In the UK 2 ounces of tobacco cost £25 and an 1/8 of weed cost, well how long is a piece of string.? You’d be lucky to get an 1/8 for £20 normally £25 and upwards.
Stupid the prices people seem happyto pay, does my head I, I hate spending money on everyday type stuff.


Depends what you are getting, 50g is around 22 quid for baccy and on average an o of weed is 200 and anything less is 10 per g. Im getting an o at 195 which isnt much better but still shopping around as you do. Not meeting many locals at the moment which sucks.


My area in UK is around same as above for weed just depends on quality and source as for baccy I pay £5 for 50g lol and yeh it aint shabby some charge around £10 for 50g

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Don’t know don’t buy weed.
Cigs are 9+ a pack thou and I don’t smoke cigarettes.


I don’t buy weed or tobacco . I live in Canada and I still don’t know what the government prices are for cannabis . . I never bothered . lol


Oregon: Low number for smokable bottom shelf is $40 oz. Top shelf is $12-$14 gram.
I bought a $40 oz of stanky, hard PHK a year ago and it still gets me to sleep at night.

Cigarettes cost your life, wherever you buy them.


Ohio medical patient. 2.83gr is defined as a “unit”. I can only buy x units per month (don’t know, never maxxed it out).

2.83gr for $40.

:joy: :sob: :joy:


Lucky man, I’d say on average it’s £10 a gram here in Scotland if buying under an Oz. About £180/200 for the Oz.
That was BEFORE this Covid shit, it’s probably a tad more expensive now.!!


I have full blown emphysema (both lungs ate up) and smoke about 2&1/2 packs a day…BUT, I buy organic tobacco(none of the 7000 chemicals like in commercial tobaco)and roll my own (electric machine) total cost is 25 packs for just under 20 bucks. Whenever the docs do a pulmonary chamber test on me they always come out scratching their heads, my lungs are operating at full capacity lol they tell me go ahead and smoke if I want. As to the price of weed? I haven’t bought any since like the 60’s when it was $10 for a 4-finger ‘lid’.


Last I bought weed it was 100$ canadian an oz and a pack of smokes is about 14$ unless u know someone then they’re 5.25 a pack lol


In southern Ontario you can get an outdoor OZ for $50 to 75, indoor dispenser junk is $100 to $180, Government LP weed someone told they paid over ten a gram plus taxes I don’t know because I won’t touch the stuff.

Smokes a 25 king pack is $13 to 18 but if you live near a Native Reserve you can get gross cartons of bag smokes for $10 to $15 and $30 for a carton of Canadian Goose. I like the Canadian Goose myself, blue are lights reds are full flavour.


I had canada goose for awhile now I’ve got “dumont” I like them abit better and still cheap


A “lid” is how weed was sold back then… I remember them well. It always seemed like a lot of weed. I remember when lids changed to ounces… that was a bummer.

These days weed is a little more expensive, but the quality is far better too.
Eighths go for 30 bucks on up to zips for 200 for top shelf. Mids are 150 a zip and lows 100 a zip. Connoisseur strains are all over the place… some are worth the money, most are not!

As for tobacco, I smoke Black & Mild’s.


Mad in it ? Any other herb rerails for about 60p an ounce. Tobacco is 15 to 20 times as dear and weed is 300 odd times the price it should be.


St Louis Missouri

Top Shelf 250-300 an ounce
Decent indoor 200-250 an ounce
Outdoor 160-200 an ounce
Mexican brick 40-60 an ounce
Various waxes 35-50 a gram
Vape tanks 25-50 for “gram”

Cigarettes are anywhere from 3 bucks for decades to 6 bucks for Marlboro …shits always cheap in Missouri especially death

These are all street prices most places you can get a gram of decent weed for 10 bucks

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Hey @Billynoshoes I’m in Ontario, Canada and it’s $10/g and Oz for like $180-$190.
It’s best to order herb now Online! Ive got a place now that I use… And it’s $99-$129 an Oz and every single product they have and sell are absolutely Amazing. The only issue I kinda get sad about; is they don’t have the biggest selection of strains. Examples: Master kush, Banana kush, strawberry banana, Snoops Dream, Trainwreck, pineapple Express, Maui Wowie, wedding cake and a few others… But I’ve ordered from alot of different places and Ive now settled on the website I’m with now. Ive ordered at least 20+ times and I haven’t even been close to disappointed. Now that’s saying something. It’s actually invite only now. It’s called ( but I hope this keeps the thread going.

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Smokes cost 7.00+
And herb shit people still buy herb?..
Lol… it’s going for anywhere from 35-50 a nick! Fuck insane that’s street prices they just take your fuckin arm off at the dispensary

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I get zips from 40$ to 120$ concentrated gs for 8$_25$. Depends on what I want rolling material, buds, dabs…he’ll they even have terp diamonds :gem: medical dispensaries are nice!


$80-120/oz for good weed in bc. That’s usually from other growers. I can easily get $150 on my stuff to buddies and heard of people paying 180 on the street, dispensaries are a rip off.