Heres what I think about legal weed cigarettes

instead of bud cigarettes with just marijuana we can have a pack of decent nugs about 4 gram across 20 cigarettes, mixed in with hemp or fine tobacco, prices can start out at 35$/pack

the reason is it takes way too much bud with just joints, I think like a quarter to roll a pack of cigarettes and you can chain smoke these


Have you tried weed before?


So I have to wreck my health, barely get high, and stink like cigarettes? No deal!


Why not just roll your own any way you like?


I wonder if cannabis will see a roll your own revolution, especially now that it’s becoming normalized and popping up in new places. All these different kinds of pre-rolls, and multi-packs, and infused stuff. I wonder if maybe someone already has made a “weed cigarette” like you described, using premium cannabis mixed with hemp. I don’t know if they can actually mix cannabis and tobacco without crossing into weird tax territory though :man_shrugging:


Sounds terrible… but I don’t think I’ll be buying legal weed any time soon anyway, until they stop seeing us as a market to be exploited rather than racing to the bottom in pricing the way every other industry has had to do once competition gets up to par.


That would be called a spliff… Popular in Europe…

I saw packs of hemp cigs in NY like 2 years ago. Smelled like a joint. Rather smoke some real nugs in a bowl though…


I tried a pre-rolled joint with a buddy. It looked like a Benson and Hedges slim, smelled like a cigarette, and tasted like pencil shavings.

Given this was my only experience with pre-rolled weed, but will likely be the last. Hard to see the appeal in “legal” weed when the black market and homegrown has been so good to me for so many years.

Also I can’t stand tobacco, but to each their own.

That will be $76 after taxes, please.


Isn’t a joint called a joint because you join weed and tobacco? I know there is a specific name for it that usually gets used to mean a standard all weed joint in the US at least… Someone was talking about how in Europe they would get hash and mix it in with a hand rolled cigarette.
Anyway, it’s a thing already :slight_smile:


What Is a Spliff? | Spliff Definition | Weedmaps


Pre-rolls in legal states are made with larf and popcorn nugs for the most part. The leftovers that couldn’t be extracted or sold as whole nugs.

They are often given away for free because of how unappetizing they are.

Now there are a few companies that solely concentrate on pre-rolls and often have different sizes for different occasions like super minis and long ones like 100s in cigarette forms. However, they often charge about 10$ a gram due to the labor and packaging…


I want to quit cigs and I have been thinking about buying some indoor and flavorful CBD buds. There are a few people selling craft CBD buds commercially. I want something that tastes and smells amazing but doesn’t get me super ripped so I can replace my cigs with em. I did talk with one small farm called yanasifarms

I found a few others as well. But they were the most responsive when I reached out. I figure I can add some hash or thc cannabis to it but probably just smoke a bowl of THC then smoke my CBD cigarettes instead of tobacco.

I am growing undertow and CBD auto plants so I can see how it turns out. Both are high CBD and low to no THC.

If anyone has bought CBD cannabis that looks/smells/tastes good please share your source!


Checkout Reddit CBD Flower. Tons and tons of reviews and discount codes as well

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“Free bonus gift of some schwag that has been stripped of trichs mixed with leaves and then pre-filled for you so you can’t tell!”

Thanks guys, I guess.


Don’t care what you call it, I quit tobacco 25+ years ago after becoming a 4 pack a day smoker. Weed never required/expected me to smoke myself to almost death. Tobacco is the devil’s lettuce, it is the scourge against the population of the earth. It is the weed that should be eradicated. Tobacco executives should be lock in closets and have tobaccco smoke continuously pump in.

I obviously I am not a tobacco fan. My heart and prayers go out to all who struggle against the tentacles of this plant (this includes my wife who quit to get pregnant, then started back when she survived cancer)


I did this, there is lots of quality CBD flower out there if you look. It was a good placebo, especially when drinking with the neighbors. :grin:


I’d recommend Diesel Hemp out of Colorado if you’re looking for flavorful hemp flowers.

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…rolls a quarter into a blunt: These sure do waste a lots of weed! :joy::raised_hands:

Really, though, people used to roll pinners and get a whole flock of stoners grinning, there is no need to roll huge joints. That is why I prefer bong loads… One bong load gets me as high as huffing on a joint for a long time without as much waste and without all the choking on paper :sweat_smile: Plus, I hate tobacco and smoking and don’t want to need to smoke more than I already do :v:


The problem is not the tobacco itself, its the companies that adulterate the product with shitty chemicals, natural tobacco doesn’t smell near damn bad as a cigarette. I also think we westerners have a bad conception about tobacco because of how we use it, traditionally it wasnt smoked as cigs, it was in pipes, and it was something religious(ayahuasca rituals) and/or social, we were the ones starting to smoke 20 cigs a day. But in any way is good to inhale the combustion byproducts of anything.

What I mean by this, its that tobacco(nicotine) gives a touch to weed high, here in Spain we smoke a lot of spliffs, but people use a shitton of tobacco, I think with weed, you should just grab a leave piece and thats it, that wont taste barely anything, but it will give that extra high that tobacco gives. Also its economy, I see in the US people buy bags, here in Spain we were grown into buying a pack of cigs and 5-10€ worth of hash, and that was a fun weekend lol.

If you like plants, give tobacco plants a try, they attract beneficial insects, and has good uses for the garden, also they are beautiful!
(Sorry for the long message!)


I respect your right to have a differing opinion. It appears we have different experiences with regards to tobacco.