Citrus Tree Love

Wow, so you’re also a tropical fruit grower? So am I. Haven’t heard that one thrown around in quite a while. My dad grew Solo many years ago on the Gulf coast of Texas. I grow, produce, 100’s of tropical fruits in a greenhouse. Started grafting in 2012, probably done about 500 grafts to make “cocktail” trees on mangos, citrus, annonas (cherimoya), and avocados. Also grow pitaya and pineapples. My Meyer lemon tree, small tree about 5’ H X 6’ W produced 226 BIG lemons this year, just excellent. My girlfriend and I juiced dozens of oranges this weekend to freeze in ice cube trays, etc., about 40#. Still have 100’s to go and they are blooming and flushing new growth. Bees are having a ball.