Citrus Tree Love

perked up some coffee for this orange tree. I’m hoping it acidifies the soil like “they” say it should.


It’s a balmy -25C outside, but the grapefruit tree is thinking about blooming! I think it’s the first time I’ve had a fruit on it and it bloomed again. Strange!


It looks like its going to make it, I see new growth on my lemon tree…I decided to put them by my window sill to get more sunlight…

Calamondin tree is doing great…


I’m so glad I listened to your advice otherwise I would’ve probably tossed it in the trash…My pink lemon :lemon: tree is making a come back…leaves and buds are starting to show up again…thank you @JoeCrowe


Lemmy is a happy camper right now, smells incredible!


It always seems they naturally bloom after the solstice. The smell of the blooms is some kind of aromatherapy heh heh.

Most excellent news! I know they say the soil should be acidic, but I’ve never personally checked the ph.


I can smell it already!


Happy National House Plant Appreciation Day @JoeCrowe, looking and smelling good…mine are budding/flowering too and my kitchen smells great…


nuts coincidence the thing started to bloom on houseplant appreciation day! I’ll go take a few photos of the various plants.

I grew up in Los Angeles, and remember in the early 1950s my folks had friends that lived in the San Fernando Valley. To get to these folks house, and I have no idea who they were or where exactly in the valley they lived, we had to drive through several large orange orchards. Shades of the movie Chinatown! Once the buds had begun to swell, driving through these groves was like being immersed in the absolute essence of orange! It was like you could cut it with a knife. I loved going to see those people so much (at the right time of year)!

This thread is so cool!


I would have dumped some of these trees when they didn’t grow very well, but over time the coffee grounds seem to have helped. One of the orange trees is flourishing, but the others are struggling to grow new leaves.


hah hah the fungus gnats were attracted to the smell, and got killed.

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I popped two lemons recently too, after being in the jiffy pellets for about 6 weeks one finally came up :smiley: and a few weeks after that I got a second one, it’s cool because I have tried to get them to pop with no luck in the past
I will follow this thread, amazing stuff here


I think I have one tree out of four, that are really viable. The mandarin trees are looking strange except one! I’ve never had a grapefruit tree seed fail to sprout and grow into a full on tree. The tree that lost a few leaves there has been growing strange cracks in the trunk, and the side growths are really slow. I might move it into incubation for a while and see what happens.


Got a bit of an ongoing scale problem, :weary: i removed as many as i could and sprayed EM-5, two weeks later, and now they are worse than ever. Gonna physically remove as many as we can, and treat with neem asap.

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ooo plant scale is a problem for citrus trees. A Little pyrethins will finish those mother fuckers off. Something like end-all. I gave a friend a grapefruit and plant scale from a cactus moved onto it. This other girl I know got a lemon tree from the dumpster it was covered in scale. A few sprays later and that shit was dead meat. I never had much luck with neem oil actually ERADICATING a parasite.

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Here’s “baby’s first tooth”! The orange trees are putting out thorns now.


I went and got some jacks for citrus, as well as another LED array. I’m tired of the gnats flying around my head. In the grove, I can use the organics, but here in the lab… fuck that. Stupid gnats are flying in front of the video screen!

Thanks for the heads up, probably wouldnt have thought of pyrethrins myself.

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Yo guys, been lurking here, when I can, but it’s not often enough. Remembering this thread I shot a quick (bad) picture of 50 Lemon trees I started from seed from a fruit off of a lone tree in the very middle of the oldest continuously growing rain forest in the World! This was on a cross-country anti-poaching observation trek with the local rangers. How the hell it got there we have no idea, but the fruit were huge and unlike every other citrus in Asia there was no fungal greying of the skin…inside it was the juiciest lemon I’ve ever seen! Just need a couple out of the 50 to graft with and we’re set! Really hoping it wasn’t just the extreme isolation that was keeping it fungus-free, would be great if it’s in the root stock!
Anybody know anything about this subject (‘Natural’ fungal resistance)?

I’ll try to drop in more often, but I still gotta just catch up! Grow on!
