Citrus Tree Love

Looks right for finger lime…


Those finger limes are zany! It will turn into a crazy bush.


I think my wife said her ppl use the leaves for something…i can’t remember what

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Yah ground up citrus leaves are definitely used as a spice for some dishes. They smell nasty though!

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I love this thread…been having problems with my citrus trees lately…


Are they losing some leaves? I would check the conductivity of the soil with some distilled water.


I have been flushing them with just plain water for now…I went hunting for a few days and had someone water my plants weed/citrus and they used the hummingbird food water instead of the rainwater jugs I had in the mud room…


@PhilCuisine bruh…i killed my wife’s calamondin. And i lost my wedding ring too. Needless to day she ain’t happy rn

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My citrus grove lost a few leaves to neglect. The orange seedlings are doing pretty good now I killed the rat that was gnarling on them.


I to am loosing leaves but I have a lot of blossoms…I hope it doesn’t die on me…

My Calamondin is doing better…


Give the struggling tree some more light, nutrient and water. Unless it’s got too much water, then let it dry out good. They’re like desert plants. I put an LED over my citrus grove on 18/6 they are loving it.


Damn wish I saw this thread earlier. Got my mom a Valencia orange tree for xmas. ordered it from Are they pretty legit? Kinda went with the first place I saw that was located in Florida where she lives (cant import/export citrus trees out of state apparently)

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I feel your pain. What I’m seeing is what my 10 year old Meyer Lemon decided it was done :frowning_face:

I’ve also had other trees in the past do this but then flush with new growth shortly after; which is my hope for you!! :hugs:

Regarding my trees, they’re dealing with the 14-16c room they are in under LEDs for 15hrs a day. My Ruby Red grapefruit has 1x fruit and it’s slowly getting bigger :rofl:


Our 17+ year old lemon/lime tree lost lots of leaves over the winter months last year, and was looking really bad off until we up potted to a larger grassroots fabric pot with a bunch of organic amendments and some rootwise complete, now they are much happier, flush with leaves. They always suffer through winters inside, but last season was really rough on it, hoping they stay happy now.


They do much better in the winter with a little nutrient. I give them solid amendments or pure blend pro! This year my grapefruit is doing pretty good in the winter.


Here’s the current status of my trees. I just have a 41 watt LED running the ones in the seedling area. The big grapefruit tree lost 4 leaves this winter, and I’ve been bulking them up on all purpose gia green!


Looks like a legit orange tree to me! Hopefully they are clones, so you don’t have to wait 5 years to get a fruit. The USA is really worried about citrus greening disease, so they won’t let you import citrus. Lucky here in Canada, we’re citrus greening free. That ancient grapefruit tree of mine is actually from BEFORE the citrus greening disease took over. Raised from seed though, they don’t sell citrus trees here.


I think they are. It says they are grafted onto either a trifoliate or sour orange root stock


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Tree got here today. Super healthy! Hopefully next year we’ll have some Valencia oranges to eat!


Nice, it’s got quite the root stock!

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