Cleaning out vault, Beans to move

The standard in the Industry is 10packs.


W all due respec bodhi aint never been 10 packs. from the beginnin this is parta how he differentiated himself n the market. Referencce: all breedbay bodhi comments n pistils listings sellin his packs back 2 the mid 2000s. Always 11 err 12 n packs.

Hows yer history err reputation relevent? Weird response. usin this site as n echo chamber?

This aint ad hominem. Sell yer beans howevs u want but admit when yer arguments wrong.

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I said ‘all standard 10packs regs’. A general statement about the packs. I did not specificaly say the bodhI packs are ten packs in my original post.
Industry standard is 10pks.
You are reading into something and picking on specific words from a statement.
What about ‘standard’ do you not understand?

Yes I mentioned my rep as you questioned my integrity by insinuating that I tampered w packs.

Stop seeking out trouble and move on please.


Ummmm… dude…you sound crazy…are you really trying to set someone straight about pkg numbers…most of us can count…as long as I don’t run out of beans before fingers…I’m good…extra beans cool…extra fingers while counting… well…I guess that’s cool too…depending who ya are…but seriously we know who Craig is so that will never been questioned…I tale it your new round these parts huh…


Hi @Craigson15 how are you :slight_smile:

Hmmm, I’m interested in bodhi stuff, what is still available from the list?
how will it work? what the value? can i pay by paypal or similar? Can you ship to south america or will you only trade with anyone in the US? Sorry so many questions, this is the first time I deal with someone who is not a company :grin: :pray:


@Craigson15 I would love these my friend

sent you a PM

all the best



I would take some Bodhi packs, BUT you called them 10 packs…they are always 11 packs, LMAO!!!

OMG, who cares if he called them a 10 pack, it was a generalization of ALL HIS PACKS. We all know Bodhi does 11 and they are clearly in ORIGINAL PACKS…whats next spelling police?

You have an other Bodhi packs you will let go??


There are some Bodhi packs I would pay full price for 5 beans. No one even complained about receiving a pack of 11 or less. Some people really want to complain about everything.


I’d really like to have that Durban Poison if you’ve still got it man.



If I send anyone pricing and they notice an issue let me know and we can discuss.
Im noticing the odd issue but nothing crazy. Eg. I swear i paid double what the dutch passion durban poison is selling for now and that was only a couple yrs ago.
Same w i think i priced all the still available bodhi accordingly.

Thanks all,


Don’t get them then if you’re bent over 1 bean.
Wtf is it with people these days.
He’s selling a pack whatever is in the breeder Pak is in the breeder pack


Let me know what you want for those hawaiin if nobody else grabs them in the next week


interested in the dna citrus sap let me know if it’s still available


You’ve got aspergers or boarder line personality disorder? Do you see everything in black n white or have a hard time reading between the lines when people speak in general terms? The way you type it’s obvious something ain’t quite right.


Just cause I know:
Back in the 90’s when there were only a handful seedcompanies everybody sold 10 packs.
We decided to do 11 because of male/female ratio so you would have a better chance in getting 5 females
After that lots of other companies started to do so aswell
That’s the reason behind the number 11
At first we still sold them as a 10 pack but that got confusing

But at the end:
Original packs so nothing to worry about

And I have that Durban poison of Dutch passion aswell. I had to use more than one pack though, but for in Holland it is great for outdoors


Yes its still available thx

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I am interested any autos?

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Sorry dont have any autos to move.
Thanks for asking

Let me look through my stash for the Durban Poison…no promises, though. Be well and, have a safe weekend.

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Hello, I’m interested in any fems please. Message me. Thanks.

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