Mephisto Illuminauto drop #3

I see Mephisto dropped some specialty autos. The thing is im trying to purchase the 10 pack but they have a pricing error. Has anyone seen this besides me?

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I’m interested in autos. Do you have a website? Or this happens at any seed bank?

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no Mephisto is running a special on some of their new strains . check out mephisto genetics. they have 10 new strains available only until July 4th.

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I see it. Yes there’s gotta be a problem there… Maybe an email?

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I did the math. All 10 autos (10-packs) should be €217.5. And it’s over €400 at the website.

EDIT, the price of over 400 is for ten packs, the other one is for 5 packs…

Yea i shot em an email. I read the details and even i the details it said only 49 for the 10 pack and 20 something for the 5 pack. Only 1 seed a strain since they don’t have many to sell.

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No brother you got it all wrong… They are selling 10 seed packs, all 10 new strains for 409 euros, and all 10 strains 5 packs for 290…

illuminautos bumper pack! Strains #21-30 (5 seed pks)
Price: €290.00

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Ohhh ok gotcha . Wow that’s insane.

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I agree with you that it should be a little bit more clear, it can be confusing the way they have it there now…

Are you into autos, or just this collection in particular?

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See it was confusing because if you read the full details on their page they have different pricing .

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Yea I’m pretty interested in autos .i have not grown any yet . I’ve been doing a lot a research before i decided to pull the trigger. I saw this special and decided to take advantage

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Until July the 4yh… I don’t know that i will be able but it definitely looks great! Autos for a long time in there… Are they regular or feminized, do you know?

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I believe they’re feminized . That’s a good question. I assumed all autos were feminized .

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Me too, but to my surprise the other day i found out regular autos, which seems ike a good idea if you wanna make auto seeds, but since they flower so fast, i dunno that the plants will be able to mature the seeds completely.

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Yea I’m sill a novice grower . I still haven’t finished my first run outdoors lmao. If you check out my new post I have a problem with my grow. I can’t seem to pin it down. I can use your expertise .

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My expertise bro… LOL

You’re barking up the wrong tree here… I’m a novice here too.

But people here, the master growers are all eager and abel to help. You’ll get your answers, that’s what i love about OG. If there’s anything i can do to help, i will, but my knowledge and ability is yet to be tested.

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