Clone King Aero-Cloner Tutorial, Alaskagrown Style

I will say tho my biggest pet peeve is that they don’t just put a grommet hole in the top instead of cutting one corner for the pump wire because that always leads to it splashing up and leading to algae growth but that’s pretty minor

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I made one and was using the small net pots w/rockwool and seeds. I used airstones as well. My goal was to get a seedling into my hydro without messing up the roots, works great with clones as well. It works well, a bit better than the pump, but ultimately was a lot of messing about to get what I was getting just doing it in cubes and domes.


The clone kings from my experience are top notch, but like some have said it is a bit pricey for something u could possibly make urself cheaper.


I have a good deal of 1/2 inch pvc and most of the connectors needed

I just may try this


The clone king is definitely overpriced, but it works. Plug and play option, 100% success for me so far. Lol I copied @Forest_Organic . Sorry. Reading is hard


So I did some research you could easily make an aeroponic cloner for $45 probably less if you have spare materials laying around. You’d need a 1 5/8ths hole saw bit or a 2 inch bit, some extra PVC, end caps, and a 4 way or whatever shape your going for, a bucket, and a lid. Here are some prices and an Amazon DIY example from the reviews. Ive seen some people make them really cheaply with bubblers and very small pumps with manifold heads and then cut up those 1 dollar flip flops to make your collars


I even own the pump lol just need some odds and ends at the Home Depot


Cuttin up dollar flip flops , hilarious what we stonners think up haha brilliant


I use a cheap airstone and 5 volt aquarium air pump. I just rooted a Ghost Candy cutting after 7 days and expect the other 4 cuttings to pop soon. It cost me $ O.80


this is what i was going to recommend also


Quite literally the best cloning method and system available.

Worth it.

Ill just leave it at that.

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You can barely see the white root coming off the bottom of one cutting.

This is my set up.

Again, it cost $ 0.80 cents. Im not pissing on any one. I like to have toys to play with just like everyone else but in this case I will spend $ 0.80 cents and spend the rest of my money on something else. :grin: :rainbow:

9 Likes hydro is a gem. One of the good ones.


This certainly does look like a thrifty option, but did a cheap air stone and pump actually cost you only $.80, or did you already have them laying around?

I personally root in plugs, set in individual 2oz solo cups (which I reuse), then just leave them in a shoebox sized plastic tote.

That said the clone kings look like a great plug and play option. I’ve considered them before, and might buy one eventually, though sticking cuttings into a plug is pretty simple for me and not a real drain. Kind of meditative.

Clearly you could build one cheaper, just a question of time, effort, etc… It’s purely a personal matter whether saving a few hours is worth $30-70 or whatever.


Yes. I paid $ 0.80 cents for the air pump and airstone. I got it on Ebay from china. I had to wait about 4 weeks for delivery but it has worked great for at least 5 years :grin: :rainbow:


How much water do you place in the container with the air stone


I fill it to the top but it will probably work as long as the bottom of the cuttings are under water.


I just got mine in the mail. The one thing I don’t care for is how close the sites are. It doesn’t come with a dome so I have to keep the whole tent 's humidity up. I only have the cloner going in that tent right now.

On the homemade bubble cloner I have the dome sitting on it from my starter trays. It doesn’t fit right but is sorta covering what I have in it.


you can prob 3d print a nice frame thats tall and use saran wrap cling on to make a nice tight dome. sometimes i find the domes to short when i want to take taller cuttings


If cost is an issue you can always make a DIY cloner from a Homedepot tote “yellow lid” some pvc, cheap pump, and some misters…they work very well but then again what’s your time worth? I know mine is not cheap! Lol

I absolutely love my 32 and 64 site Clone Kings!

The first time I seen them in action was 3-4 years ago doing some consulting for a local grow Smoking Joe’s Terps. They had something like 12-14 x 64 site cloners. And that was just for the upstairs
:thinking:They were only getting maybe 50% success with them and quickly found out why. Basically people being lazy not cleaning them properly. Instead of figuring out what they were doing wrong they would just buy another one…come to find out they never took the pumps completely apart and didn’t clean the neoprene inserts very well.

After cleaning up some of the older ones and trying them out I was more than pleasantly surprised at how well they actually worked! They were ultra cheap looking and definitely seemed like a diy home made cloner…but worked amazingly well. I was sold on em right then and there as had been using aero cloners for a long time at that point but results were always inconsistent to say the least.

So I bought my first 64 site Clone King and never looked back. :sunglasses:
