Cloning Methods…

It’s truly genius! Whoever figured it out we owe LOTS TOO!

Amen to that! And that’s the last thing I need atm. Good call

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Nice walkthrough @GrouchyOldMan ! Very thorough. Im going to start slicing my cubes down the side. :wink:

You still have that Franky cut going? Got mine flowered once and then lost it from emergency travel. Keep her alive! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yep, been through several Franky bonsai moms and the most recent is flourishing. :+1:


Hi gang. My first attempt at cloning this way. Should I plant this one or let it go for a few more days? Can’t see them in the photo but a few others are just starting get roots.


Hmmm…I notice not all of them are getting spritzed since the air stones since the the tube’s suction cups moved around.


I’d let it go a little longer get a nice root formation established !

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You definitely COULD plant now, but I’d agree with @Rabeats2093 i usually let em explode a bit.

Great work! Love seeing this ! @TricycleOfDoom


I use a heavy spoon to keep the damned airstones in place.

I would plant it now. I’m impatient.


This is the problem I notice with my air stone cloner, it’s like there’s always 2-3 missing out and if I don’t notice quick enough they will dry out and die.


Hey, I was just reading through the thread and saw your comment “seeds in the fridge or freezer depending

Depending on what?..

…about 2 years ago I decided to store all of my seeds in the freezer because I read that was the best place for long term storage (I have way too many seeds and knew I wasn’t going to get around to most of them for years).

anywayyyyy my germ rates on those frozen seeds have cratered… I’m guessing they were still too fresh to be put in there, but again, that’s just a guess

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Do you have descicant packets in there with the seeds? I haven’t had any issues to date on freezer seeds. I decided to keep seeds I wasn’t too interested in trading, and had already run in the freezer for long term storage. I honestly haven’t added anymore to the freezer and have removed some. Now I just keep them all in the fridge because I have a dedicated seed/clone fridge

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Should I have had those packs in there? I wasn’t even thinking about humidity, but I keep them in the freezer door - I’m wondering if the temp changes when opening it caused condensation…a premature start…and an inevitable, fridge-d death.

I keep them in the container that holds the cryo tubes I use for the seeds.

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I’ll be googling those now… thanks for pointing me in that direction!

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Oh man, that sucks. There’s a lot of variables with seed storage that can affect things drastically. Thats why I’m afraid to put anything but pollen in the freezer


Yeah I had a bunch of old sannies/eskobar/naw/usc/dynasty seeds from like 2012-18? in there. I used to only buy off sannies cuz I was too scared to try anything else
I think I biffed it on some really great genetics in there


Oh man! That really sucks to hear . Hopefully at least some still pop for you. Nothing worse than being all stoked finding stuff you’ve wanted forever, or pulling out that pack you’ve been sitting on and…… DUDS! It’s absolutely devastating


Dude! Tell me about it


Hey y’all. This is a great thread and I keep finding my way back to it, lolz.
Cloning = ugh!
I have a Turbo Kloner, and tho I keep using it, it’s a pain in the ass. The issue is the pump(s). I’ve gone through about 4 now. The impeller eventually gets worn out - and I mean every couple of months. I run the pump 24/7, and clean the cloner every week/10 days. But those pumps are what give me the most grief. They get tired. I have to shake them to get them whirring again, but they ultimately fail. The center plastic piece on the impeller gets worn out and eventually stops spinning.
Is there like an industrial pump? Something made of stainless steel that lasts? or am I doing something horribly wrong that makes these things last only 2 months at a time?


Personally I run mine (turbo klone) on a timer 15/15 on/off . But really that should not be an issue as I know a few people who run em 24/7 my one buddy has two monsters idk if he ever turns off except to clean. I’d go with a similar after market pump like the ones current culture offers with their units. My current culture pumps are all over 3 years old and going strong