Cloning Methods…

I know right! It had me thinking though, I bet someone who’s not on the internet/social media etc. and definitely not posting about their grows has it, it’s out there just being hoarded I know it. I think I’ve got a plan :wink: let’s just hope it plays out right. Im damn positive it’s all RKS from look and definitely smell! I’ve got to!


Please stop peeping into my yard.


My bad, I was trying to find your calendar stash since I missed out! Then lo and behold. You were holding out big time! :persevere:

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If I didn’t used such big plants it would be considered indecent :joy:

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Epic timing, JUST got a letter from you bro! Thank you @Foreigner

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Bahahaha no doubt!

Hey you’re very welcome, enjoy!


Btw I really do love your style bro :facepunch:t2: classy, always :wink: the packaging/stamp is such a dope touch! Now I want my own stamp! :thinking:

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Well I often bitch when I get seeds and they’re not marked and I can’t remember who they came from and the stamp seemed a simple solution to that. And I just think it’s neat. I feel like an old school librarian.

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Lol @ old school librarian! I hate that too! In fact I have 4 flips/packs that I have no clue what they are. Drives me nuts EVERYTIME I open the fridge. The amount of seeds going around it just makes sense to label who and what, it’s not hard :man_facepalming:t2: good call. Seriously though, who made the stamp? I really do want one

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Ya gotta do it…… for all of us.

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I know. I hate digging through my DMs trying to figure it out it’s a pain

I got it made from zazzle which is like Etsy. I’m sure you could find multiple sources.

It’s was custom so it took forever but was pretty inexpensive. I imagine there’s a faster more local producer but I didn’t look that hard.

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Stamps for the seed packs are a great idea. I got schooled up on how to cheaply send seeds last night. I was about to go broke the way I was doing it.


I lifted the idea but it is a great idea.

Coin flips and washers. Tried and true and dirt cheap. You can send seeds internationally anywhere in the world for less than $3. $1 domestic.


Oh man, I should have told you, my bad. Yes, like @Foreigner its such an awesome method, I’d be sending 1/10th the beans without it 100%

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Now if only I could fit clones into a coin flip. Tissue culture shipping maybe :joy:


Haha I know right. That would be epic! That one still costs me 20-50$ depending. I would love to try tissue culture. I love the idea of having cuts/strains in a trst tube! Especially with my space issues atm

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Throw in an autoclave and a flow hood and a fridge and your space issues will get WORSE.

I did a half hearted venture into it and abandoned it when I discovered just how much of a commitment it is.


I’ve tried to get my wife to do tissue culture for me, and she laughed at me because of the equipment we’d need. Maybe one day in the future. For now it’s cuts in the fridge and seeds in the fridge or freezer depending


I got some seeds from @testofoath like that and it was a light bulb moment