Cloning Methods…

That’s great for you. During the 40+ years I spent building, I just saw too many failures to not say something… just a little public service announcement, lol!


I think thats when the see a lot of use, they aren’t made for that really. Sure, its a valve, but its not REALLY a valve (I put a John Guest valve inline instead). The seals on the piercing needle go out if they are constantly used (I’ve rebuilt them at the koi shop as well), but it you use it just to gain access to the water, and control with a secondary valve, they fair ok.

Point taken though, many people don’t think like that and twist that valve on and off like a faucet, and its not gonna take that for too long… I think the name Saddle Valve is confusing, because its a shitty valve, but a good way to easily access water…


Plain tap water in a party cup, nothing fancy.


try it bro, here of the last 20 clones that I took, all of them took root with this method… only 1 was discarded because the leaves were very ugly… but the others were used.


Hey, it works time and time again. I’ve gotten cuts of so many other things this way as well. I always have my benchmade knife on me , I cut something I see that I like while walking around with the family. Bring it home, recut and scrape drop it in. Works for so many things!


I think a bigger problem is the amount of damage that has been caused by leaking saddle valves over the years. I know they are against code in many areas. I suppose it depends on the application but soldering in a T connector of sorts would be like a 10 min job. Saddle valves can not only leak but also cause pipes to flatten when the installer clamps them down. This can cause turbulence of the water in the pipe which can cause near by soldering connections to break down.


Here’s mine. Dead simple. The only difference is I use hydroton

Note the leaves eating themselves


A 10 min job for you or I… An impossible task for many others though… Hadn’t thought of the flattening, but I guess that goes with the “if soldering a joint in is impossible for you, chances are high that you’ll crank everything down to the max as well” line of thought…

I’d have to check code here, but I know when I bought the house with my ex wife, there was one, the home inspector had noted it (it wasnt leaking or anything), and it wasn’t an issue during the purchase.


…and Shark Bites are even faster. :slight_smile:

Job security for flooring guys! Did I mention how much I like saddle tees? LOL!


When you don’t know how to solder :+1:


Or, when you don’t want to melt the PEX :slight_smile:


There was a joint I needed to solder but I couldn’t figure out how to torch it without burning the house down. Shark bite to the rescue.


You best keep your eye on that one. Looks like she’s wanting to run away! lol


Haha @MoBilly that was epic! A smile first thing in the am


Oooo, I want in on that! Can a global citizen, trapped in America, not too far from there, who is also an aquarium nerd come?! :joy:


I just make a clean cut, trim fan leaves, jam them in a rapid rooter in a pan of water from my grow, give them a couple diary’s and once they latch on I add them to my aeroponic cloner. This is for autos, and I’m roughly successful taking 4 of 5 of the 100 clones I’ve cut through flower, even many that were cut in flower rooted and grew.

I will say also say, rockwool is awful compared to rapid rooters when it comes to encouraging healthy rooting.

This is what I have left of what may have been the most pathetic cutting ever. She’s about 110 now…

Her momma will be missed. I shall name her Grootess😂


This truly makes me happy! :joy: We need to name it!!!


I just bought a clone king and was thinking the same thing! It says it holds 4-5 gal water :grimacing: wth :woman_facepalming:


@Oldguy what did you put in your res? And how much does that one hold? What lights? I usually clone in a cup of water in the shade of a tent somewhere but it takes a long time. 2-3 weeks. When you’re waiting to make sure they root before you flower, that seems like forever so I just got the clone king25. I’m not good at building things lol


I just used filtered water from the grocery store.
Think it was around 90 ppm. Local source.
Careful if you get it there. Some I saw was around 300 ppm.
Added some GH rapid start with it as well.
I had about 1 1/2 ish gal water in the cloner.
Just made sure the pump was covered.
Not sure it’s 100% right that way but worked for me pretty good.
I used an old 4 tube t-12 fixture with some agro bulbs for the lighting.
