Cloning Methods…

So your res holds a lot more water than that? Maybe I can try to only fill half way too. :joy:

The rapid start didn’t clog your misters?


It would probably hold 3 1/2 -4 gal to the top. :joy:

Nope. But I only used a tsp or so.
I also changed the water at the 7 day mark.


That’s what I’m saying! It’s a little overkill for some babies. I guess it depends on how tall the pump is. I’ll have to wait til it gets here lol you didn’t have trouble w the rapid start clogging anything? I have some clonex gel and some powder (both of which would probably just get hosed off in there) and some clonex cloning solution. I think that’s all I have for cloning.

Did you leave yours going constantly or put it on a timer?

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Just let it run 24/7.

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Awesome, thanks! I’m excited! I’ve heard the aero cloners are priceless :joy:

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It certainly improved my success rate from the ole dip n stick in soil. :joy:

Good luck.


You can also use clonex liquid right in your Rez, it’s low EC and I’m telling ya the stuff is gold in one of those. You get a little warmth in there with the misters and clonex, just wait until you see the fishtails in like 5-7 days from a good mom and a good cut easy. PS. We have touchdown! Your letter arrived today, thank you so much @hollyho :blush:


And thank you for the tread mate, awesome info all round!


My pleasure, this is what I love, this is my passion and I have a constant thirst for knowledge regarding cannabis and the methods, lineages, tips and tricks utilized to achieve great success. It’s stuff like this that makes me smile because ANYONE can come here, and with a little thirst for knowledge find how to germinate seeds, propagate clones, troubleshoot issues, when to harvest, how to harvest , dry, cure etc. It truly is an absolute wealth of knowledge on here if you are just willing to take the time and look and read, hell there’s even pictures in 85% and on top of that pretty much everyone I’ve seen/met on here is willing to help without fault or question and that is a rare thing in itself nowadays. To put it simply I truly believe wholeheartedly that OVERGROW is helping to OVERGROW the world and put knowledge and beans in peoples hands who otherwise may have next to no resources. Many thanks to ANYONE who plays their part in making O.G what it is and what I hope it ALWAYS will be. Much love and respect


TopShelfTrees…top shelf guy​:green_heart::+1::clap:

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Damn! That was pretty quick!! You’re very welcome :wink:

You’re talking about the “clonex solution” right? Not the gel? Bc I have both, just asking for clarity.

Edit: Nevermind, went back and re-read you said “liquid” not “gel” :joy:

Sounds like you’ve used it in an aero cloner before! What ppm did you use for your clones?

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Made this now waiting on airpump and airstone…what u guys normally use just clonex at tips or use the liquid solution and im guessing ph water ? I hear alot of people just use tap water and use gel on clones tips and thats it ?? Any help appreciated ??


@hollyho no higher than 300ppm usually in the 200-250 range. I usually go 1 ml per gallon to start. Yes it was quick wasn’t it. Seems stuff from the US is moving quick, yet stuff coming from Canada is ridiculously slow.


Tap water works just fine, but a light solution of clonex will help, I’ve used RO before as well. Looking good !


My tap starts around 130, so adjust for that for the 250ppm?

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Yes, I prefer starting everything with RO myself, but that will suffice. You can use such a small amount and still benefit It’s the indole butyric acid that is an exceptional root promoter/starter as long as there is some promoting growth and building nubs you will surely benefit. Even misting with a 1ml/g solution will help if you don’t feel comfortable running it in the Rez at first . You can ease into it as you are comfortable.

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A large tray with 3"-4" of wet perlite…fill with as many cutting as you like, cover, check in 2 weeks.


Someone else suggested this with vermiculite which I was going to try. Perlite makes sense as well. I was actually going to give it a shot. Thanks for your input my friend :pray:t2:


Success rate is very high. If you’re only taking a few cuttings, use a smaller container…and you waste absolutely nothing.
You can see I’ve used this perlite many, many times…it’ll go into my soil mix when I get a new bag.


Love it! Reuse , recycle!