(CLOSED)The Pigeon & Bear Show: Episode "Freakers Run: Nepali Watermelon Hashplant"

Yup yup, you right. And I think you’re at least a TL2. So it should work. But I’m not familiar with any differences for Android, is it using a special mobile version?

@Pigeonman It’s your thread, you want me to edit the wiki to add @Tuned to the list? Currently 40-50+ spots available
Edit: never mind, all sorted!


Ive figured it out. The update has changed things.
When i scroll to the left, the edit pencil appears :grin:

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Sweet, glad it worked :smile:
Horizontal scrolling *shakes fist* haha


Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congrats on the successful run.
Thanks again brotha!


Thanks for doing this reproduction, it was great to read through the whole thing in one sitting! Very impressed with how you were able to contain those Nepali Watermelon Hashplants to your tent despite their size and most Himalayan cannabis plants wanting to become a tree. Taking notes for next year…every time I think I’m done bending over my Kumaoni plant outside she keeps getting taller than me.


This is so awesome :ok_hand: thanks so much for doing this guy’s you rock! I live a good hash plant and ive found stray fox has some quality genetics so this collab should be sensational :heart_eyes: beat of luck with the grow and that colouring book cracked me up ive got to get one haha :smile: peace legends! :v:


thank you big time @Pigeonman ! Very excited for these seeds :grin: I’m thinking I want to cross them with moroccan or leb to make a killer sativa hashplant strain.

Best of wishes going out to @HeadyBearAdventures , and only the headiest of bear vibes! Hoping he’s doing alright :worried:


I really hope @HeadyBearAdventures is okay as well. His absence is very much noticed. :cry:

UPDATE: All packs have been made up, labelled and are ready to be shipped out to @DougDawson who will then pass the :us: and :globe_with_meridians: packs on-wards to the equally awesome @G-paS !

:metal: :watermelon: :metal:


Glad you figured it out for all us Droid users :smiley:

:green_heart: :seedling:


@Bobgrows still some spots left.


you do so much for the OG members. thanks for all the hard work and efforts you so generously give.

i very much appreciate your generosity, kindness, and hard work. :pray: :100:


:muscle:t4: lets goooo!!!


@Pigeonman thanks for all the effort you put into these goodies we are about to receive.


I can’t find the pencil to sign up…:sleepy:


Scroll left maybe.


Lol @Bobgrows it looks like you have the same issue as @Tuned

He had to scroll to the side to see it


I’m just on my phone…always!


thank you! @emeraldbullfrog !

Sites not made for a phone. :roll_eyes:


Fun story:

While I was sorting the seeds into the vials I decided to do some self-care as I’m in vial-jail. So I pulled out the foot bath and made a combo of Epsom salts, baking soda, & apple cider vinegar, placed it underneath my classic faux-wood tv tray and topped it with hot water for the soak and seed.

I soaked and counted seeds into vials for about 45 minutes when my foot-bath timer went off so I leaned down to turn it off and accidentally knocked some seeds off the tray…

…which all promptly fell into the foot-bath water.


I counted 10 seeds in there and knowing the combo in the water I set them aside knowing they are not going anywhere after that. Instead of wasting them, I tossed them into a shot-glass with water and 1ml of h202 3% and 48 hours later 3 of them sported tails and the rest were still floating.

Flash forward a few days and there’s 3 even seedlings growing and still no show from the other 7.

I think of this accidental germination test as a good sign for the following reasons:

1: No idea what all those salts and vinegar acid would do to the seed.
2: I ALWAYS STRATIFY my seeds for 24 hours, and these were not stratified in my fridge.
3: I ALWAYS SCUFF my seeds, and these were not scuffed.
4: I always pop my seeds around 25c in total darkness, these popped in full light and at 20c.

Here they are in my 2x2x5 tent under a HGL100 V2; currently in total darkness as they are going to grow in these solocups for their lifespan and i’m doing the 12/12 from the start.

This will be a solo-solocup challenge for the sake of “fuck-around and find out” :rofl:

So, when you get these please grow em as they want to be seen and loved.

:fire: :seedling: :heart: