[COCO] Seedlings turned yellow / droopy, help please!

Thanks yep… I knew it!! it was there right in front of my face and i still gave in and watered until too saturated… when i planted these clones i left them a whole 2-3 hours in their new pots and they were praying really happy. i should have watered the one time and walked away but 3 times in 4 days is silly!! my own doing here… get them dried ASAP is my goal then raise the EC.

Appreciate the help @neogitus


Too damp. Herojuanna.tom is on point, listen to his advice. I think alot of people have made the same error of watering younglings as if they are much older. Quite often people posting procedure and regiments are biased towards late stage, adult plant applications and people don’t realize they likely had a very different approach early on. Really, if a guy just focused on the theory and practice of up-potting and used it so many problems would be avoided.


Are you sure you are adding the cal mag in the proper proportion? Your tap water is 0.35 of what, is it 0.35 of cal/mag? Why do you add only 0.15 calmg? Try using 0.0 water and add Calmag up to 0.4.

alot of truth in this comment understanding the why things are happening is so important so the practice of up potting would give you a better and clearer understanding both visually on the roots and how much water / feed they need


just to answer your Question in regards to mu post my water is HARD uk tap water and I believe is 0.6 EC straight from the tap…

It still confuses me a little now… when i read guides and charts that tell me to water with 0,9 EC because thats not a lot of nutrients added!!

I think it should be a whole 0.9 EC of nutrients added to the 0.6 maybe to get around 1.4-1.5 something like that…

anyway i fed my germinated seeds with 0.9 EC and they loved it they are beautiful dark green and ready to grow!! just hope my clones above settle soon… I am definitely going to increase the clones 2nd proper feed to 1.1 - 1.2 to see how they respond…

Thanks so much guys I honestly really appreciate the help dialing in with us that aren’t as experienced!


190 is fine, so its not the coco. We got bad batch of FoxFarm 7030 a while back and it caused carnage. Actually went back to 7030 a few months back, but always checking it first.
Hope you can get it sorted out.


Just an update guys on my clones that were overwatered and yellowing… They seem to be on the mend!

i’m at a steady 1.3 EC total…

Tap water - 0.6
Canna A&B

Thats all we have at the moment!!

I used to soak my coco coir in Cal mag solution for a good 4 hours + but this time i didn’t hopefully they wont get too many cal mag issues!


Small update from my side - The hell is going on here? I apparently rescued all my plants by letting them dry out 80%, even though it’s coco, there are roots shooting out EVERYHWERE now. Seriously, it’s crazy what happened.

But this plant seems to act up in a strange way, as the veins are yellowing. If it was at least between the veins I could go for mag deficiency or something similar, but it’s the veins. Anyone else who has experience with this?


im no expert but it doesn’t look all that bad lovely shape.

whats the age of the plant?

Photo or Auto?

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That plant’s already… 15 days old, more like 16. Really tiny for its age, at least in comparison to her bigger sister of the same age. It’s a photo, so it’s half as bad, but this symptom is still really strange to me.

It’s Runtz x Layer Cake from Barney’s Farm, pretty much one of the best available “breeders” where I live, all the premium exotic stuff doesn’t exist here

@Budmeister I’d still recommend going higher on the EC especially if your water accounts for almost half of what you’re currently feeding. Is it tap water from a city? or well water or something else? If it’s city water you probably have access to a water report online where it will tell you exactly what’s in your water. I would suggest bringing the EC without your water up to at least 1.5 if not 2 (so will be 2.1-2.6 with your water. Check your water quality report if you have city water. They wont need to be fed often for awhile at that size of plant/pot atm.

@Shneex45 What are you feeding them and what is the input pH? Most issues are pH related and if not my guess is like above, that the EC might need to be raised.

The roots are shooting everywhere because you let the pots dry out, they need oxygen to grow and when they are fed too often when they aren’t yet very developed it can be pretty easy to drown em if you aren’t careful and that can make all sorts of issues show up.

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agreed! something is starting to click with my method now anyway they are looking great on 1.3 atm but i will take into account what you’ve said it definitely is true i need to add the EC to my taps EC… if you look at my first image on this thread you will see a massive difference!

This is just A&B and RHIZO at the moment i will add canazym to next feed!


and if you look at the bottom right plant

I like my coco to start to dry on top like this before next feed


They are looking great now @Budmeister! Good job brother


Thank you! slowly getting there! took me about 4-5 grows to kind of realise the fundamentals in fact i got beginners luck on my first grow, but the set up was too basic to reach the strains potential.

The first grow was awesome but then i got way to confident ( naive ) and ditched my amazons basic TDS / EC meters thinking i could just wing it as it was so easy… 3-4 grows after that wondered why the hell i just kept going down hill… when i say down hill, I have made most good mistakes from which i’ve hopefully learned from.

yellow lime, leaves
Airy buds,
stunted growth,
Pollenated buds.
root rot
bud rot
light burn , stress PAR etc etc

This all happened in a sequence so then i tried autos!! great idea!!

They started to flower at about 10cm tall… on top of all the yellow leaves and blah yeah just a total mess…
After taking a deep breath I ordered myself a Blue lab Ph pen, and Blue lab EC stick and went back to the drawing board… Photos!

here I am now hoping and praying i can finally see some magazine bud that i see everywhere from amazing growers on here and online… I’m getting there! fingers crossed.


Outta likes brother but you gotta make mistakes to learn im no stranger to that lol. Hope your having a good day thanks for sharing a small tidbit of knowledge!

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@Shneex45 I wouldn’t worry about that discoloration for now, it could simply be new vigorous growth that’s kinda growing faster than the “green” can catch up to :man_shrugging:t2: if it gets widespread on a bigger plant with more leaves, it would be worth addressing, but not for now. Magnesium deficiency looks the opposite, you’ll get yellowing leaf margins & not the veins like yours.

The thing about coco: you shouldn’t let it get dry on bigger established plants or anything in flower. With smaller plants and seedlings, it’ll benefit you to skip a watering here n there, it just seems to work out better.

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I concur. This is my best guess as well

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So the biggest one seemed healthy. I transplanted into the final 3gal around 4 days ago, after going through a few wet dry cycles in the small solo cups. It was almost 100% root mass in the cup, so it surely was time.

Now 4 days after transplant into new coco perlite, there has been no growth at all. I was careful enough, damaged no roots, and pre-made a hole with an empty cup into the new pot so there will be no disturbance at transplant.

I watered around the transplant area, and a bit more outside. I didn’t want to soak the whole pot again, as this has killed my last plants right after transplant, it just never lost any moisture and they rotted away.

Used distilled water, 0.2EC of calmag, 0.8EC of Canna Coco A/B, for a final ec of 1. PH at 5.8, around 1L or 1/3 of a gallon of solution. No runoff.

No growth so far, and some leaves start getting crispy at the edges. What’s going on here? Some recommend to directly soak the whole pot, but that killed my plants instantly last time. Others recommend to give the plants some dry back in coco right after a transplant, like 1-2 drybacks until daily waterings, which is what I’m currently trying to do.

Temps and humidity are still stable at 75-78F and 60%