Coin containers

I need to buy something for seed shipping, my favorite thus far that i have experienced are these coin containers, some even have a foam cushion.

I found these…

EDIT: Those did not work…

Anyone use these style and/or have a preference? What are y’all using?

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That’s not a bad deal,wonder how they stand up in just a normal envelope,nice thing about the other coin flips,I’m still using
The little plastic tubes because I have a shit load of them lol

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Coin flips with a rubber hose washer, inside a greeting card and envelope. Can be sent regular mail. Cheap.


Coin flip… that’s the search criteria i need. Didnt sound right at first to me…

I like them in combination with a small padded envelope. But have recently gotten with a hose washer inside greeting card also.



The OG community is making them rich!


Simple Coin Flip (Small Dollar Size) w/Hose Washer, THREE taped to a Greeting Card, Regular Postage. More than three, Padded Envelop recommended. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I shell a few bux use pirate ship use vials and call it a day.
If u doin reg mail i can see how the washer hose is better for international.

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Dont order the ones I linked to above… their not tall enough to close with seeds inside. Time for plan b…

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Might want to edit your original post, I almost added them right to my cart :sweat_smile:


yeah i didnt think those would work because of the varying seed sizes.