ColeLennon's Outdoor 10x10 "Gauntlet of Med Clones"

Between my buddy and I, that’s exactly how I wet trim. He’s more tedious than I am. I mow right down the sides like I got a “Hot Date” GO GO GO SEAL TEAM


Canna brush doesn’t work on the BF. I will see in a few days if It works on BBM. To be honest I don’t care about the sweet leaf left on after wet trimming badly. “which I do” but when I give some to my friends and family they’re like wtf cuz their spoiled with dispensary weed :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


My standards are changing from tiny jars with one nug that’s like 2g “ooh it’s such a big nug” and no leaves to giant bags with 1/2oz colas with some sugar leaf coccoon around the little flower brachts. Life has a way of changing your perspectives. I’d say these are positive changes :sunglasses:

I can fine manicure my desk stash a gram at a time. Part of the skinning-up ritual.


That’s what I do. I peel it off as use I it. I flushed that bubblegum again yesterday 2 days in a row with sledgehammer 3tsp per gallon 2.25 gallon so 5.5 gallons in 2 days. This morning the cola’s took a major swell in girth. Tomorrows the day squeeze them, and the bazooka smell is intoxicating


sounds fantastic, gonna be some fine smoke. You have enough room in left in your tents for drying? I like those curing bags that jetdro has been trying


oh yeah BF “binned up” off stems. I’m going to hang the I.B on lines like the BBM. Mainly because I dont want to have to go in a turn them over in order to not have flat spots

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Indiana Bubblegum night before xmas @FieldEffect

It’s hard to believe I’m getting an Oct 19th pull with only 1/2 inch of rain in Sept and none in Oct. We had 9 days over 80* in Oct. It’s no wonder we are surrounded by forest fires in Oct.


yea it is real smokey up here also, glad the rain is coming this weekend thou… glad you where able to finish up your bubblegum… looks awesome


Thanks @Mrgreenthumb :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


My buddy and I finished the I.B today. This one plant took longer than two of my earlier pulls. So much trimming and the yield is also as much as two of the other strains. I will grow this strain again “Indoors” I now know why this cut grew so slow; it had A LOT to do the last 3 weeks of bloom. Incredible flower and aroma “insane” and the weight is really good. Excited to see it dry and cure. :fire: @FieldEffect I will get some shots of all of them dried. The BF could use some trimming. The BBM dried like “houdini” with the sweet leaves, looks awesome as f**k. The I.B is just a home run all around. I needed that. Grateful today, a little sad that the seasons over. I really need to get my indoor game on. Peace. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Sounds like that i.b is a winner all around. I feel ya on the indoor grow, I had to actually post pone mine for a bit. Tomorrow the upper kitchen goes in.


I just can’t set it up. It’s not in the cards, universe whatever. Got the gear, not the space. Hell of an outdoor though. I really need the “emotional rewards” I get from growing. I got my mushroom strains I’m working on now. Strains- penis envy, keepers creepers, john allen. I started growing personal amounts last year in order to micro and macro dose for severe chronic PTSD,anxiety/major depressive disorder. Cannabis oil and psilocybin saved my life last year and moving forward. Strains and the love of growing my own medicine.


Right on a new kitchen will brighten any day :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


The love of growing sure is strong for sure, left growing for over 10 years and always missed it, just something about it. Glad the cannabis and the shrooms help keep you regulated, I can see your love for growing in how nice your plants are glad you are around to do your grow shows sure is highlight of the site for me


This is my second year from a 10-year abstinence from growing I feel ya man


I’m really curious how you find the effects, but I’m pretty sure that’s the final straw, and Bubblegum will be in my garden next year :smiley:

Happy for you man, it’s been a ride between the fires, leaky faucet and crazy weather. Great work :cowboy_hat_face:


Thanks brother what a wild ride this year. I’m digging up the pipe this weekend in between rain showers. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


I have all the blackberry fire “minus the 5 ounces I gave my wet trim buddy” removed from stems and ready to run thru the bowl trimmer

This trimmer is massive in size. I’m looking forward to crankin this beauty up :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :fire:

Half way thru removing the Blueberry muffin from the stems

This is what is left

I let both the BF and BBM dry for 2 weeks
The Indiana bubble gum is on its way to drying

The BBM is by far the best yielder of the bunch. The I.B would have been the bigger yielder if I had grown out both clones :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :fire: :peace_symbol:


Looking good man, those are some king kong donkey dongs :star_struck::joy:


Yes Sir @Oldtimerunderground I’m definitely running the Blueberry Muffin next year. :wink: