ColeLennon's Outdoor 10x10 "Gauntlet of Med Clones"

Yep running 6 clones, 3 strains-2 of each. Waiting on Jan, that’s when it gets easier to decide. I’m still going to wait until at least May before I grab them. I will probably change my mind 2-3 times. lol. I will tell you one thing. They all will be outdoor winners here. I will be surprised if we get 2 nice falls in a row.


Seems I grow cubes just as big as cola’s lol :rofl:

My outdoor is curing beautifully in 1lb grove bags inside my weathertite totes. I’m never using boveda again.


I bet they’d be stunning in an omelette bro :yum: :rofl:


I haven’t tried this strain yet. I will try a 1/2 gram in a cup of Yogi Lemon Ginger tea this weekend. I usually dose a small amount with my cannabis gummies at the same time. So the mushy’s kick in first and then 30 mins later the gummies kick in. Then I smoke or vap. :alien:


I grind mine up put in the coffee pot with a few tea bags. Then squeeze a fresh lemon and drink. The lemon seems to make it hit quicker. I can’t believe I used to chew those fuckers up and swallow them.


Yo Cole! Man, just dice 'em up on a cutting-board and fold 'em into a jar of the nicest honey you can lay your hands on! The taste is no longer any issue and they keep forever! After a few times you’ll have a feel for ‘how much shrooms’ to ‘how much honey’ equals ‘how many teaspoons’ equals ‘the high I want’!

At first just start small and work your way up. If you’re noticing it - you’re not microdosing anymore! :rofl:
For microdosing you should just reach the end of the day feeling like you had a REALLY GOOD day!

Those cubes are lookin’ like cow ribs! :rofl:



Thanks man, I just might try that with the honey. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


I got some 190 proof, this brand is Oregon-made. Going to make Blackberry Fire RSO using the cold method. as soon as I find @ReikoX method. So many bookmarks, so few brain cells. lol


Dam wished someone would bring me a bottle of 190 I’d be washing buds till the bottle was empty.


I’d be tempted to take a sip if im honest :rofl:
You making some RSO I gather???


Yeah, I’m doing to test run, didn’t weigh the blackberry fire shake. Just over half a quart jar. I put the fifth of grain alcohol in the freezer. I’m going to decarboxylate the flower in the jar at 240* for 60 mins on its side with the lid loosely attached. Every 15 mins pull out the jar and roll flowers. After 60 mins cool, into the freezer until tomorrow night.

Tomorrow night I will document my first attempts at making RSO. I plan on cold evaporating in a pyrex bread pan with a fan out in the shed. I will be using tiny amounts of avacodo oil to thin it out in a warm oven if needed.


You got a rice heater handy??? Please do it outside incase it blows up bro. I don’t think you can afford loosing more limbs :roll_eyes:
Sick joke I know but I know you’ll get me and know I’m jesting. :v:


I got one but I’m not using any heat until after the grain alcohol is evaporated. I’m doing the slow process with the tincture in a Pyrex bread pan with a six-inch clip fan blowing on it. When it’s completely evaporated, I will add tiny amounts of avocado oil in the oven at 200* If needed. until its thinned.

I’m winging it, after reading several ways to do it.


Ah so your not really making RSO then. Your making some kind of oil for edibles??


Basically, the same thing. I’m only using very tiny amounts of avocado oil, only if it’s too thick after evap.


I’d make a batch of honey oil quick shake pour over charcoal air dry. It’s so good smeared on a paper with your favorite weed.


LOL, I’m still tripping out about making this oil. PM me a recipe, my combined type ADHD can decipher. :upside_down_face:


Pre grind and freeze the bud and the booze for a few hours prior to starting.

There’s 2 ways 1 you need some charcoal to pour it through once you’ve rinsed your buds . Maybe a 5 minute shake in a jar is all it takes you want it to be light colored so the trick is a fast wash .
I’ve also made it without charcoal same procedure quick wash and strain just leave the jar open in a sunny window sill to evaporate . It will turn gold over the course of a few days .


In a nutshell, I’m decarboxylating the flower first. So, I don’t have to when it’s oil.

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Bought a new mattress. If you’re a big guy a pressure smart firm, will feel like a medium. I recommend this mattress. I really like the lumbar support on it.

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