Colloidal Silver and soap? Or a wetting agent/surfactant?

Hey OG!

I’ve been doing a mass reversal on 5 little ladies simultaneously, I’ve been spraying for 20 days since flip and things are going great on all of them… except of course my favourite! Everyone else is all balls, but my BlackBerry just keeps throwing out more tiny pistils on it’s entirely female flowers. I can’t see a single indication that balls are coming down the pipeline in this one.

So I thought to myself, could I use something as a wetting agent in my CS? If I reduced this surface tension with even a drop of soap it should cause the solution to wet out more evenly across the plant, leading to better absorption I would think.

Is this a crazy idea? Would a drop of dish soap make the silver agglomerate or fall out of suspension? I tried googling on this a bit but if you put colloidal silver and anything about soap in it just seems to produce crystal gripping magic thinkers who say their CS soap will cure your grandma’s cancer.

Any thoughts? Should I just start looking into STS or Gibberellic acid instead?


No, it is not a crazy idea, use some wetting agent rather than soap , yucca or JWA will do.

Also i do recommend you to increased the ppm of your CS, otherwise switching to STS


I’m curious why not soap? I use dish soap as a wetting agent with pretty much everything I spray

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It is a personal opinion, I don’t like to mess up with something that may create bounds as I’m not sure if that may affect the CS in any way.

I’ll stick in to the yucca if those were my plants, nothing else rather than that.

Though I strongly recommend you to increase the PPM of your stock solution


Thanks for the response… but uh what’s JWA? And yucca? Like yucca root? I must be missing something, I don’t see how I’m using yucca root as a wetting agent. Do they make an extract of it or something? Like yucca root oil?

Thanks! :thinking:

Ok nevermind me, bit of google sorted me out. JWA is Jedam Wetting Agent, and yucca is a liquid extract. Hmmmm… more research…

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Right, I use Dr. Bronner’s Castile soap, its the same as JWA. And yucca has a lot of the wetting agent known as saponins. The Navajo tribes used to use yucca like soap.


Nice, Doc Bronners works for me. And do you use it with CS? It doesn’t mess with the particle suspension or cause separation or anything?

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No, I’ve never used it with CS. I’ve had plants that are resistant to flipping with CS.

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ive tried and have had issues using soap as a surfactant with cs, now a little alcohol on the other hand “methanol/ethanol/isopropyl” does help


So did you switch it up and hit em with STS? Giberellic acid? Or just humbly accept that there are occasional limits to our nearly god like powers to affect these plants? :thinking::sweat_smile:

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The latter, just moved on. Mostly because I deal with autos. So if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. Try with another seed. :rofl:


Ah, right you auto guys and your fast paced lifestyles! This is a cut that I LOOOOOOVE and I just gotta lock those genes down.

Oh well… I know I HAD some giberellic acid around here somewhere, but I can’t even kind of remember what box it went into last year. Guess I gotta start doing my research and spending on the STS front.

Or just dunk it in a vat of CS six times a day. Hmm…:thinking:

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What might constitute “a little” in this case? A couple drops a liter, or a couple tablespoons, or like 5% of solution or something?

What rates have you tried?


3-5% have tried up to 20% but just for surfactant absorption purposes you dont need much.

There is some scientific agriculture articles from 20-30 years ago about the use of methanol and ethanol as a foliage spray for increased plant growth, but i just noticed and stumbled upon the cling ability of the added methanol when i was playing with gibberellic acid when i was doing some side by side tests with plain CS and was noticing better absorption and cling with the Ga3 but due to minute concentrations of the ga3 realized it was the methanol i used for dissolving the ga3 that was doing the work of breaking down the waxiness water repealing ability of the leaves.

Just what i noticed anyways.


If you just want it in a cross, just hit it with pollen from one or more of your other reversed plants.wrap each branch in plastic, then only uncover one branch at a time while you’re dusting it with pollen, each branch can be dusted with a different strain. Label each branch then uncover them when the spooge stops flying lol.


Uh yeah, if I wanted it in a cross I could very obviously do that, but that won’t lock things down at all. That will create more diversity and a new hybrid. My goal is to self it, so I have those genetics locked down in seed. That way if I ever lose my mother I can find my way back to it with a bit of bean popping and pheno hunting easily enough.


Ah, yea that’s a tough one, other than doing a back cross or two.

Making your own c.s.? If so let it brew/generate at 88 degrees and keep cleaning your silver every 15 minutes for 1st 2 hours. then let it go a couple more. oh wait we need to know about your c.s. Also. Some plants wont reverse . I sprayed one for 35 days and it showed no sex. i threw it outside and it is now 3 weeks into flower after all that time trying to turn it…if you check with a tds meter make sure it stays at 17ppm or better. only if you make it with distilled water. tds meters DO NOT read colloidal silver even remotely accurate.

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Thanks, but I’m good on all those points for successful CS production. My sauce is great, as I mentioned there are 4 plants next to the problem child all throwing balls like crazy. My whole thought on using something as a wetting agent was a lower surface tension will provide a more uniform and complete coverage if the plant surface, even deeper into irregular surface like early female flower formation. A more uniform and complete coverage of the foliage surface will lead to a more efficient and complete uptake of the silver.

Hopefully this proves to be a sufficient increase in uptake efficiency to get this girl over the hump to ball town. If it isn’t I’ll try again with another clone and start hitting her earlier before I flip, using the alcohol to decrease surface tension.

Only time will tell, so we shall see.