DIY coloidal silver

I’m about to try for the first time to grow fem seeds. my plan is to use coloidal silver to turn half of a plant male, to have it pollinate the other half, and thus getting seeds from one self pollinated plant (a northern light strain)
my plan was to make coloidal silver myself, but it seems like the only silver readily available to me is sterling silver (92,5% pure)

Is it absolutely necessary to use 99% silver and destilled water? - or would it work with filtered water and sterling silver?

best regards




Yes 99% is required to make CS as the other metals in the silver contaminate the water.
I’ve found that distilled water isn’t really required after using grey water with 0 ppm from my dehumidifier though and the CS worked fine reversing a plant. Hope this helps


You need .999 fine silver.
If you’re gonna go the CS route with your own generator, just go buy a silver round(collector coin). You can cut it in half and have two pieces.


Thanks for both of you replys :slight_smile: i guess distilled water is also absolutely necessary as well.
i guess i have to go out and hunt down fine silver then :stuck_out_tongue:


Exactly what he said , u need 99.99 pure silver… @Sudo


yea, find the most expensive coin in ure collection and cut it in half, i like the idea @blowdout2269 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Distilled water isn’t required if you run a dehumidifier and collect the grey water. The grey water is 0ppm and works fine to make CS. 99.9 silver is available on ebay cheap.|tkp%3ABk9SR_6Rtvn5Yg


I suggest you propogate the plant first. You could try to reverse a few cuts and use them to pollinate the non reversed cuts, which should theoretically increase your odds of success in case of any difficulties. You could reverse the cuts and pollinate the original, or vice versa. But I personally would prefer to breed two separate “plants” than to self the exact same one.

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What concentration should be the CS solution ?

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I would if they weren’t autos :slight_smile:

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Now i’ve sourced the silver, and started making CS.
The plant isn’t big yet, so i’m doubting on when to start spraying?


I did not see a reply to your question. In case you wanted it for personal information, I tried 25 percent with little outcome. Then I tried 50 percent and had a great outcome.

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Ppm isn’t percentage buddy incase you got it wrong. 50 - 100 ppm is perfect for reversing a female plant. Ppm = parts per million. It’s the electrical conductivity within the CS solution or E.C. The silver within the solution blocks/stops the female gene happening within a female plant and the male gene becomes dominant so sacs then develop. Hope this helps. :v:

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Start spraying once you see proper bud formation bro. Not when you see pistils for the first time.
You know when you see the bud forming on what will be the main cola??

yeah okay, then theres some weeks to go still.
Guess ill store the CS in a dark bottle in the fridge then

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Wrap the bottle in black duct tape or similar maybe??When you buy commercial CS it usually comes in a brown bottle. I know direct light effects it but unsure about temperatures. @ReikoX how do you store yours buddy??

I tried this with the silver wires and all of it is an absolute waste of time compared to just making part a n b once a year that only needs a few sprays.
You can use the CS for your own personal health though.

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Sts is the way forward. I’ve done 4 reversals with CS and my results have been 50/50

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Good catch. You are correct. I was not thinking properly - 50 ppm.

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