Colloidal Silver Spray

heres a question … if im going to use silver collidal spary to seed a female plant what is the best PPM spray to use and any suggestions on which brand would be appreciated


It’s a few bucks more, but you will propbably have better luck with STS spray.

But if you are going to use CS spray, look for up around 200ppm.

I tried for a full year to reverse plants with 100ppm colloidal silver and never had any success.
But STS was successful the first try.


The only reason I use CS is because I make my own. I make it to around 40ppm whatever that’s worth as they say you cannot measure the silver density in the water without special tests/tools(not a tds meter). Now if you don’t make you own CS, I would not use CS I would use STS as you will be much more successful with alot less work.


I’ve read upward of 300ppm.
Yeah, specific gravity test, right?
You can make tons STS for cheap also.

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The main advantage to CS is being able to generate it easily whenever you need it since you can just take the same silver wire or coin and make a batch. However, from what I’ve seen the STS is more effective and doesn’t seem to stress the plant as much. It’s more work to make but the ingredients aren’t insanely expensive.

The main annoyance is that the sodium thiosulfate picks up water over time (the anhydrous stores better than the pentahydrate but the pentahydrate is cheaper and more widely available), and the silver nitrate can be light sensitive (usually comes in amber glass for that reason). If you can keep them in a sealed container with some dessicant in a cool area like a fridge they should last a long time.

Not sure if you’re interested… but if you’d like to attempt your own STS.

I got this from Mass Medical. Gonna try it when I decide to try for fem seeds.

Sebring also has a YouTube video on preparing the solution that’s been widely shared here:

And this was the procedure I had some success with (I lost the pollen due to incorrect handling and storage but the reversal and harvesting the pollen went just fine).


I’ve been through Sebrings methods. That’s actually what I plan to use.

More good info here. Thanks @Rhai88 !


I’ve had full reversal with 50ppm bottled colloidal silver from the 'Zon. You can also buy a stronger ppm and dilute it.

I’d still recommend using silver nitrate ir silver thiosulfate. Less sprays and very effective

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Sebring’s method works 100%. I have a female Jew Gold 1974 showing it’s :banana: now after a few weeks of spraying it down every other day.


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Good to know. I actually have a Jew Gold cross of yours I believe. Mmthankyou!
I was just planning on spraying this auto three or four times, two days apart, as it transitioned into flower. What do ya think?

Sorry if I’m high jacking your topic @olschool.
Someone help this man with CS PPM! Lol.