What do you think about colloidal silver treatment for feminized seeds

I’m in the Midst Of doing a colloidal silver treatment to make my first feminized seeds of ringos gift Katy’s cut strain from the the Humbolt seeds collective clones. I’m working with 30ppm colloidal silver spray I’m really hoping this works out like I’ve been researching what do you guys think. What method or methods do you use?


Maybe ask @Sebring about it looks like he has been the scientist mixing concoctions and getting good results!


That’s the way to go if you don’t have a male to knock her up.


I’ve got no real experience to speak of… bit as we speak my fem clone is growing pollen sacks. Unfortunately at the critical point of pollen harvest I am on vacation and a friend with even less experience (none) is babysitting for me


Colloidal silver seems to have varied sizes of silver particles which usually leads to inconsistent results. I use Silver Thiosulfate, because it’s consist and I’ve never had it fail me. The mixing process to make it is very easy and the ingredients are cheap enough.


I’m the opposite of Sebring. Colloidal silver has never failed me. I’ve killed plants with STS. :thinking:


@ReikoX what ppm do you use for this process? I am going to attempt this soon.

So has anyone tried take to solution and let it take up thru the stem while rooting? I suppose this could interfere with the rooting process as well. Maybe with a bubble cloner?

I would recommend CS between 45 - 75/80 PPM. In my experience, 30 and below just doesn’t cut it, I spray for at least 14 - 21 days straight. Be safe/be well. BTW, some have experimented with direct injection into stem, incomplete results, in my opinion. I ordered the needles, injection tips, but have yet to give it a go. May get around to it next year.


I have seen the thread …I don’t know that I saw anyone prove a working procedure that was detailed enough to reproduce yet tho. I was thinking along the line of letting the plant take it up naturally in it’s water


I make my own, somewhere around 50 PPM is my guess.


Anyone have time to explain making my own sts? Like where and what to buy and supplies needed. I want to make f2s with my mephisto beans on my next run but know nothing about reversing autos.

Honestly I’d rather just buy the shit if anyone cares to sell some.

This is what I found, though honestly i feel it would be less confusing if the instructions of labeling the bottles A and B be reversed I have not ordered or done this yet, and I see that the article has many spraying vs the 2-3 times that people mention on this board

Youtube, type in “making Colloidal Silver”. Really, quite simple with about $30 - 40, plus you can make up batches, as needed. Stay safe/be well.


I have yet to find strain that i couldn’t flip. Of course i make my own colloidal silver. I spray no less than 3 days before 12/12. Spray until balls form 19-21 days. The last plant i turned had me worried that it was an actual male. not one white hair showed until sacs started opening. My 2 cents.


Compact COMBO-2 Basic Colloidal Silver Generator Package - LifeForce Devices Inc You can make it as strong as you want. very detailed insrtuctions. ALMOST IDIOT PROOF. i got 10 gage wires


C.S works.


I’ve made few different crosses Of ringos gift myself with the cs method works pretty good

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If at all possible, have your friend move that plant with the male bits away from any flowering females, otherwise you’ll end up with random uncontrolled pollination. Once away from the garden he/she can pretty easily with tweezers just pick off the pods as they appear about to open and drop them in a small jar or whatever. Make sure to eliminate airflow in the area where this is done.

Really not hard at all, just a couple of logistical issues relating to keeping the pollen fully sequestered from any flowering gals you don’t want pollinated. This should be taken care of post haste.

On the other hand, if you wanted to do a seed run of everything you’ve got going, let-em-rip right where they are.

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I started spraying autos as soon as I saw pre flowers. Its been 2 weeks of spraying 2x per day and all I can see is brown pistils. Really hope to see some male parts here real soon.

Starting to see what looks like male flowers forming but leaves are very droopy and plants don’t look happy. Is this normal?

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