Colorado, Landrace Grow (outdoors)

Mr. @peterestrella8 is a real Cannabis connoisseur and a business man who is really mindful about his Cannabis which he grows and consumes, has grown Landrace From @landracewarden .

All the landraces which are in thier midst of flowering have an amazing aesthetics of flower.

What he describes about the following plants from the Landrace of Hindu Kush and High Altitude Desert is very alluring.

The plants are showing no signs of pest and deceases, so less care and a very good resilience against drought , so less watering.
All the aspects of growth and aroma reminds him of his old school era.

While having a conversation recently, he also mentioned that the Landraces should not be considered as something which is only the thing of past, these are the backbone of the cannabis and will always be.

The end product will be shared later.


These are beautiful, my friend. I also grow outdoors, and I’ve had much luck stripping all that bottom branch off, pushes the energy points up high and makes one hell of a difference.
I look forward to learning as much as I can from your grow. You seem to know what your doing. I remain impressed, and following…

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WOnderful plants @LandraceWarden !

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Outstanding. Maybe I’ll plan a cannabis topiary hedge with something like that!:bear::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’ll tell the neighbors it’s Japanese maple.


Lush! …

Sterling stuff there.

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Absolutely brilliant :joy: