Combination of things I think?

I finally made it over to my buddies place.
As suspected the VPD was way out of whack.
Rh was down in the 20,s and the DLI was up in the high 80s.
On top of that a blue gold feeding every other watering on top of EWC/craft blend top dress every 2 weeks.
Gave him his first LIFTA lesson.
Nothing but foxtails.
Actually kind of a perfect storm of issues.
He’s cutting it down and will freeze it fresh till he can figure out how they want to process he hash.

Thanks for all the input y’all!


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You wouldn’t be interested @Rogue :joy: :crazy_face:

Vapor pressure deficit
Daily lighting integral


Tell your friend that moderate levels of nitrogen is not your friend while the plant is trying to flower. Excessive N during the plants flowering cycle creates many small leaves surrounding little flowers.

When a cannabis plant is actively flowering it needs elevated levels of P and K, with small amounts of N.