Spotting on Leaves towards end of flower?

What could be causing this? It’s an auto flower from Tastebudz called
Grape Gusher on day 62 of flowering. I added Sensi-cal and big bud along with the regular ph perfect bloom grow micro. Is this a norma part of the end of flower? Is it lockout? I’m about ready to flush anyway but I wanna squeeze as much out as I can.


Any close ups of the leaves? Looks like a nute deficiency, maybe ph, maybe nute lockout due to ph… hard to tell without more info. Ppm? Ph? Runoff ph? Lighting?

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At that late stage of flowering you shouldn’t worry about what the leaves look like.


Agreed :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

They’ed be done soon by the looks of them , I would not try to correct !


If you are under LED (looks from the plant like you are), next time use more cal/mag (imo)… but if you start trying to correct that now you may spoil the smoking quality of the buds


I agree little hot.

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I definitely agree with that. They look great. Your sugar leaves are not as good for left overs. But you bud is ok. Water is all I would do. I hate to say this. Please don’t get mad. I run my ph at 5.8 now. I don’t change it. 5.7 is what cyco calls for synthetics. Just talking. I’m the last few weeks of flowering.


VerdantGreen is a troll guys

I was running my ph at like 6.1 but I realized it doesn’t change much after testing it pretty often the first few days. Tbh I was trying to see how lazy I could be with hydro and I determined I could be pretty lazy and still harvest something.

This plant did not turn out to be a huge resin producer it’s just the genetics I believe. Haven’t seen much frost I was hoping for the flavor to be A+

I’m making mistakes also I think I was doing good. I keep changing things up too much. I need to get back to something simple again. I see a lot of products out there I’m just not sure if I need to just go back to the trio. I didn’t have any problems with that stuff. I felt like some of my own results wasn’t as I liked but it was because of me I didn’t want to change. I’m doing to much. For no reason at all. I’m thinking about getting a butter machine. Dab maybe. Not sure. Lol

You whoopin’ up a posse ?

Imo. With the calcium necrosis happening mostly to the tops makes me think too much led. If it was a nuitrient problem it would be more uniform . My advice They almost done growing now , back off the lights 20% if no dimmer raise them.