Can Cannabis Mimic Terps of Plants Nearby

Sooooo I’ve read an article years ago saying that cannabis is one of few plants in the world able to mimic smells of Plants nearby…it stated that over generations it can start growing the same terpenes as the other plants. Also putting Terps of other plants into the soil can speed it up. Eventually you end up with a strain that just does this without its smelly neighbors.
Does anybody know of anything like this.
Would explain some of the piney weed, fruity weed, and all around skunk weed…yea if you’ve been anywhere in the bush in springtime you’ve smelled the skunk cabbage.


Plants can not uptake large organic molecules.


I think that’s a bust, how would one go about putting a smell in soil?

I have a pal who’s dumb as fuck. He really really likes the Powerade drinks right. So we’re stoned one day he says to me “do you think if I poured this into the pot, it would taste like this?” I said not a fucking chance so he tested it and it killed his plant :rofl: this stoner science crap that goes about can’t be trusted.


Plants roots don’t transfer smell, only nutrients and water.

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Not just the soil part, a large part of the article was the plants just being nearby, smells in the air

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Like over generations in certain areas or gardens they can mimic other plants, forget the soil part.


I’ve met people that mimic the smell of cannabis. Usually by inhaling a lot of it.

Sorry, I’ve been working too long. :wink:


Lol yea that’s pretty standard

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All right Gif gone and post must be 20 bla bla bla long

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Dude I’m dead serious plants have been known to do weirder things than mimicking smells. they do have an olfactory sensor sooooo it is possible.

Sry for being an asshole :smiley:

You have misunderstood something, cannabis have the ability thru breeding and crossing.
To “mimic” the terpen profiles of other things, hence many strains have names related to the terpen profile.

Now is it the case that Marshmellow candyflush OG Strawberry, will taske like a mix of that is very unlikely.
But creative namimg, sells a ton of seed.
On the other hand. You can find strains, where you can taste the flavor of something else. Like C99 have a pineapple pheno, that actually taste like pineapple.


This is likely driven by some sort of pressure like a pest. The nearby plants produce a terpene that repels the pest. The cannabis plants that also produce that terpene repel the pest as well. Over generations, that terpene becomes dominant.


Nice, thank you all, lol I wasn’t gonna sayyy but yeaaa

From the list in the wikipedia article on mimicry in plants I’d say only Dodsonian mimicry makes sense in the context given.


Gave some of my used gaia green soil to a friend for their outdoor veggie garden. Called me and told me my soil smelt like weed hahah I was shocked


haha roots can stink. Stinky roots stinky bud :joy::v:


Plants can do some amazing things , look into how plants communicate with each other and why. Plants can influence the ones around them and signal them to change there chemistry for a variety of reasons. I’m not sure if they can mimick terpenes or not but I wouldent be surprised. I think cannabis is just a miracle plant that has the proper genetics to allow for a huge variety of diversity in what it produces. Did cannabis inherit the terpenes or are the other plants mimicking cannabis lol


That gif is mighty bothersome haha

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That’s what I’m talking about, whether its communication through the air or through the roots they do crazy shit, plants also use fungi to communicate stress and all sorts of info.

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Not gonna say who, but someone is smokin wayyyy toooo muuuuuch!