(complete) BOG Blue Kush preservation run grown under a Mars FC 8000 de

Haha loved the poo joke, but not as much as the heap of pollen, awesome work matešŸ‘

The science seems to indicate that it is not a good idea. There will always be anecdotes of folks trying something that is not scientifically supported, and remaining safe and successful, but I make decisions on data when possible. You wonā€™t catch shit around my plants (unless itā€™s composted).


From what I understand it is not good to use any carnivores poop as a fertilizer but using almost any herbivores poop is good to go. For example rabbit, cow, goat, sheep etc. Breaking the poop down in compost will also allow for better access to the nitrogen within the poop.


Yes sir you did, sorry I never mentioned it. I was a mess over Christmas and that slipped past me but I did get them. Thanks.

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Yeah, thatā€™s NOT for cannabis. Iā€™d use the Os 15-9-12 from start to finish which is what Iā€™m doing now.

On a side note I picked up a little meter from Inkbird and am liking it so far. Has a 24 hour battery backup and gives me temp, humidity and C02 levels. Itā€™s a PTH-9C.


All this time I thought you meant he used composted human excrement.
THAT is just nasty.

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Yeah I got it too. I hope they actually reimburse for it later. Seems nice though

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Bat Guano is poop.
Waste has been used as fertilizer for eons. Itā€™s mostly in a personā€™s head that human waste is any different than animal.
That donā€™t mean we should pee and poop on our plants. Has to say that for @Slick1


Oh well, I missed this point. WTF!

BUTā€¦ A good way to camouflage weed odor. :sweat_smile:

Noā€¦ Really, not good.

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The makeup of ruminant poop, vs. mammals, vs. rodents, vs. avians is very biologically different. And some excrement (human for example) requires some form of processing before its safe to use. It absolutely can be done, and fairly easily, but it isnā€™t accurate to say that poop is poop.


Dealt with them a few times, never an issue bud, all will be well I am sure.

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Thatā€™s reassuring, thanks. Either way it is a great product so far

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Hey there, just dropping another update. Been a busy day but a very cool one. Pollen just keeps coming in greater amounts every day so pretty stoked about that. Some buds have some brown pistils so the pollen is floating around. Should be a good ending.


looks good! @DougDawson! Pollen for days!


Do you supplement co2?
Nice amount of plant dust you got there.


Only when I breath in there.


Those plants look frigging perfect. Iā€™m convinced theyā€™re plastic


Right on just asking cause of the features your little gizmo has so had to ask.


Gonna be a truck load of seeds, plants are looking so good ready to pump them out. Great job and thanks for doing this run Dougā€¦